This first call for candidates aims to constitute in Montpellier, over a period of 6 months (October 2020 – March 2021), a group of researchers of international renown, from diverse horizons and disciplinary fields, covering both the sciences of life and engineering, and the humanities and social sciences, to understand together, through innovative and creative approaches, the societal controversy:
Fake news or failing science? Implications for the transitions to sustainable development in the fields of agriculture and food, the environment and health
Each member of the cohort thus formed will approach this controversy through the prism of their own discipline, while comparing their results with those of the other members of the group and enriching them in an interdisciplinary manner.
It will be a matter of jointly analyzing how this controversy impacts the agro-food, environmental and health transitions towards sustainable development and of identifying priority lines of action in terms of research programming, teaching, ” prospective exercises, strengthening the capacities of scientific communities and, their participation in public debate, international collaborations, etc., in order to accelerate these transitions.
MAK’IT offers researchers a privileged working environment to develop their ideas in an open-ended way, within a scientific community recognized worldwide on the three fields of action of the Institute: agriculture & food, environment, health. The researchers welcomed into MAK’IT are actively encouraged and supported in their efforts to create new connections and develop new collaborations with the Montpellier scientific community.
Disciplines / area of research
All disciplines, life sciences and engineering or SHS, in connection with the three main fields of action of MAK’IT (agriculture & food, environment, health) and research project likely to feed the selected controversy.
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