Global Teacher Prize are now open!

Help us find one exceptional educator who deserves to be recognized around the world.

The Global Teacher Prize is a US $1million dollar award, presented annually to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession. The Varkey Foundation established the prize in 2014, to recognise and celebrate the impact that teachers have around the world – not only on their students, but on the communities around them.

Calling all teachers! We want to reach as many teachers as possible, whether they’re working in schools in large cities to small and remote villages – we want to find more exceptional teachers who are working tirelessly to educate the next generation of children and deserve to be recognised!

You can apply here for the prize or you can nominate an incredible teacher.

The application deadline is 22nd September 2019.

Meet Peter Tabichi, winner of the Global Teacher Prize 2019

The winner of the 2019 US $1 million prize was announced on stage by movie star Hugh Jackman.

Peter was chosen from our top 10 finalists who come from all corners of the globe. From teaching in remote towns and villages to inner-city schools, they advocate for inclusivity and for child rights, integrate migrants into the classrooms, and nurture their students’ abilities and confidence using music, technology, robotics and science.

Peter has dedicated his life to helping others. He gives 80% of his teaching salary to local community projects, including education, sustainable agriculture and peace-building.

Read about Peter’s amazing story here

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