21 positions -ICIQ PhD Fellowship Programme 2020 – Second Call

The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) establishes the PhD Fellowship Programme with the aim to support excellent students from all over the world to enrol in a training and research programme in the area of chemistry ultimately leading to the completion of a Doctoral Thesis in partnership with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). The programme will also contribute to their professional development and next career steps, both in academia and industry.

This objective is achieved by:

The performance of an individual research project under the direction of an internationally renowned group leader in a creative and stimulating scientific environment. Opportunities for short stays in renowned international research institutions. Opportunities for complementary training in technical and soft skills designed to ensure a successful career: weekly scientific seminars, hands-on training in the use of state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation, IP management, entrepreneurship, research integrity, knowledge and technology transfer, grant’s applications, project management, communication skills and career development.

The programme is addressed to highly qualified and talented graduate students with a keen interest in chemical research. Candidates should have an excellent academic record, strong commitment to scientific research and solid working knowledge of English.

Admission to the programme is on a competitive basis.

You can download the Call for the 2nd 2020 PhD fellowship programme here.

Call opening June 1st, 2020
Call deadline July 12th, 2020
Notification to candidates From July 27th to August 2nd, 2020
Start of fellowships September-October 2020.

Research Projects

ICIQ offers twenty-one* positions at the research groups of:

Dr Marcos García Suero (Ref. PhD 2020-11/12/13) Dr Elisabet Romero (Ref. PhD 2020-14 and PhD 2020-15) Prof Emilio Palomares (Ref. PhD 2020-16 and PhD 2020-17) Prof Ruben Martin (Ref. PhD 2020-18) Prof Núria López (Ref. PhD 2020-19/20/21) Prof Antoni Llobet (Ref. PhD 2020-22/23) Prof Antonio Echavarren (Ref. PhD 2020-24/25/26/27/28/29/30) Prof Pau Ballester (Ref. PhD 2020-31)

The projects offered by the supervisors are the following:

*Supervisor: Dr Marcos García Suero


*Project: Carbyne Transfer Catalysis in Organic Synthesis.

*Number of positions: 3

*Reference: PhD 2020-11/12/13

*Description of the project:
The art of organic synthesis and reaction discovery relies on logic-guided thought processes that often involve hypovalent carbon reactive species and their corresponding stabilized equivalent forms. However, not all of the possible carbon reactive intermediates have attracted the same attention by the synthetic community. This is mainly because of the perception of the lack of synthetic utility and importantly, because of the challenges associated with controlling its extreme reactivity and lack of efficient sources. The main goal of this project is to invent and develop new chemical reactions based on equivalents of carbyne species –the monovalent carbon species–, able to transform feedstock & fine chemicals into complex organic matter as well as functionalize complex functional molecules such as medically relevant agents. Our initial work on carbyne equivalent generation and metal-carbynoids with (photo)catalysis was recently published (Nature 2018, 554, 86; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 15509).

*Preferred skills or background:
Bachelor and Master Degrees in chemistry with a background in organic chemistry.

*Supervisor: Dr Elisabet Romero


*Project: Design, Construction, and Investigation of Chromophore-Protein Assemblies able to perform Ultrafast Energy and Electron Transfer Processes

*Number of positions: 1

*Reference: PhD 2020-14

*Description of the project: *This multidisciplinary project involves Biophysics, Physical Chemistry and Synthetic Biology. The objective is to design and construct bio-inspired chromophore-protein systems based on the knowledge obtained previously from Photosynthesis. The function of these engineered systems will be to absorb and transfer sunlight energy and to convert this energy into electrochemical energy (that is, into a separation of charges).

The energy and/or electron transfer dynamics in the systems will be investigated by ultrafast laser spectroscopy, that is, Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy (2DES) and Transient Absorption. Other systems’ properties will be studied by a collection of steady-state spectroscopic techniques as well as by mass spectrometry, NMR, chromatography, and X-ray spectroscopy.

The optimized systems will be utilized to construct solar cells and, ultimately, they will be coupled to catalysts (developed by collaborators) to achieve the efficient conversion of solar energy to fuel. Overall, this project aims to contribute to a sustainable future. For more information click here.

*Preferred skills or background: *The successful candidate’s background should be (Bio)Physics or Physical Chemistry. Expertise in (ultrafast) spectroscopic techniques together with MatLab and Python programming skills will be positively evaluated. Constructive attitude, motivation to learn new methods and the ability to work in a team as well as individually are crucial for this position.

*Supervisor: Dr Elisabet Romero


*Project: The Role of Coherence in Enhancing the Efficiency of Light Harvesting and Charge Separation in Photosynthesis

*Number of positions: 1

*Reference: PhD 2020-15

*Description of the project:
Photosynthesis is the fundamental biological process by which solar energy is converted into fuel in four basic steps: light harvesting, charge separation, water splitting and fuel generation. Therefore, Photosynthesis teaches us valuable lessons on how to achieve the efficient utilization of sunlight to fulfil our energy demands.

The efficient energy collection, transfer and conversion in Photosynthesis is accomplished by pigment-protein complexes, consisting of light-absorbing pigments embedded into a protein matrix. During the early steps of Photosynthesis, Light-Harvesting complexes absorb and transfer solar excitation energy to the Reaction Centre complex, the site of energy conversion. Since these energy and electron transfer processes take place with high efficiency, it is essential to determine how these complexes work.

Consequently, the objective of this multidisciplinary project is to understand the energy and electron transfer mechanisms active in Photosynthesis paying special attention to the role of coherence (which it is known to ensure ultrafast transfer of energy and electrons).

To reach this goal, a series of photosynthetic complexes will be studied by a combination of steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic methods, with a focus on ultrafast laser techniques, that is Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy (2DES) and Transient Absorption. For more information click here.

*Preferred skills or background:
The successful candidate’s background should be (Bio)Physics or Physical Chemistry. Expertise in (ultrafast) spectroscopic techniques together with MatLab and Python programming skills will be positively evaluated. Constructive attitude, motivation to learn new methods and the ability to work in a team as well as individually are crucial for this position.

*Supervisor: Prof Emilio Palomares


*Project: Carbon nanostructures for CO2 (photo)electrocatalysis.

*Number of positions: 1

*Reference: PhD 2020-16

*Description of the project:

CoCat will develop a carbon nanostructured materials that could lead to novel sustainable and robust approach for the conversion of CO2 into added value chemical products. The material will be synthesized, characterized and later tested in (photo)electrochemical devices, with the aim to approach industry needs.

The materials will be based on the group know-how in nano/microstructured carbon based materials, electrochemistry and optical measurements ( steady state/ time resolved spectroscopy). Charge Transfer (CT) processes and interfaces will be key to control the catalytic activity of the material. The PhD researcher will be working close to a research team at IPREM in UPPA (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau, France) in collaboration with the E2S Chair
(Energy and Environmental Solutions).

*Preferred skills or background:

The applicants must have a degree in chemistry or physics or biology. The English must be pro-efficiency (speaking and writing). Previous knowledge (Master Degree) on materials synthesis and/or photochemistry are welcome. Independence and great skills to work in a research team is necessary. Two support letters for previous supervisors must be also enclosed with the application.

*Supervisor: Prof Emilio Palomares


*Project: Nanomaterials with long-lived luminescence for bionano applications in medical research.

*Number of positions: 1

*Reference: PhD 2020-17

*Description of the project:

Light4Med will develop a luminescence material that could lead to novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of multidrug-resistant virus and bacterial infections. The material will be synthesized, characterized and later tested in aerosol systems, with the aim to replace invasive approaches in clinical medicine.

The materials will be based on the group know-how in nano/microstructured inorganic metal oxides, nano/micro encapsulation and optical measurement ( steady state/ time resolved spectroscopy). Energy Transfer (ET) processes will be key to control the light emission wavelength, emission quantum yield and emission lifetime decay. The PhD researcher will be working close to a large international consortium involving research centers, universities, industrial and management companies, which will enrich his/her formation.

*Preferred skills or background:

The applicants must have a degree in chemistry, physics or biology. The English must be pro-efficiency (speaking and writing). Previous knowledge (Master Degree) on materials synthesis and/or photochemistry are welcome. Independence and great skills to work in a research team is necessary. Two support letters for previous supervisors must be also enclosed with the application.

*Supervisor: Prof Ruben Martin


*Project: Catalytic decarboxylative cross-coupling reactions

*Number of positions: 1

*Reference: PhD 2020-18

*Description of the project:
Recently, we have witnessed considerable progress on the development of catalytic techniques for C–C bond-formation. Among these, particularly important are catalytic cross-coupling reactions that enable the formation of sp3-sp3 linkages, as increasing the number of sp3-hybridized carbon atoms has become a necessary goal in the drug discovery pipeline. Despite the broad application profile of the current protocols, practicality and cost-issues have spurred the development of new bond-forming strategies that rely on abundant, native functional groups. Aiming at streamlining the discovery of new architectures with applications across the molecular sciences, the candidate will work on the development of de novo catalytic techniques for enabling the formation of sp3-sp3 linkages via decarboxylative coupling reactions from simple carboxylic acid derivatives.

*Preferred skills or background:

Master studies completed

Expertise in organic synthesis

Knowledge on organometallic catalysis

Good command of English

Leadership and responsibility in designing academic research projects

*Valuable assets:

Capable of decision making, creative thinking and problem solving

Strong commitment for scientific research in a competitive environment

Capable of working independently and as a member/leader in a research team

Reliable in meeting commitments and deadlines

Demonstrated experience in writing research results in scientific journals

*Supervisor: Prof Núria López


*Project: Machine learning for materials in Catalysis and Energy

*Number of positions: 3

*Reference: PhD 2020-19/20/21

*Description of the project:

The three projects are related to the use and applications of Machine Learning techniques to the study of materials with interesting properties as thermal Catalysts or under Electrochemical Conditions. The three projects will be dedicated to: (i) single atoms in carbon materials (Nature Nano. 2018); (ii) single atoms in oxides (Nature Mat. 2019); (iii) tools in automatization and machine learning fundamentals (ACS Catal. 2020)

*Preferred skills or background:

Scientific background: Physics; Applied Mathematics; Physical Chemistry; Chemical Engineering

Programming: python, or others

Languages: English

*Supervisor: Prof Antoni Llobet


*Project: Light Driven Molecular Redox Catalysis

*Number of positions: 2

*Reference: PhD 2020-22/23

*Description of the project:

The research work to be developed is framed within the field of light induced redox catalysis with MOLECULAR transition metal complexes with a special focus on the water oxidation and CO2 reduction processes.

The overall objective is to develop powerful MOLECULAR catalysts that can be anchored on photoanodes and photocathodes to improve their overall performance. The final goal is to build a photoelectrochemical cell for the generation of solar fuels.

*Preferred skills or background:

We are looking for a highly motivated, responsible and creative individual in the domain of MOLECULAR Chemistry. The candidates must have an outstanding academic record and good command of English. Skills in the fields of coordination chemistry, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, catalysis, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis will be appreciated.

*Supervisor: Prof Antonio M. Echavarren


*Project: Catalyst Design for the Selective Activation of Unsaturated Substrates

*Number of positions: 7

*Reference: PhD 2020-24/25/26/27/28/29/30

*Description of the project:

Design and synthesis of new gold and other metal complexes for the development of new reactions and application of these new transformations for the synthesis of complex biologically relevant natural products or molecules of interest in material science.

*Preferred skills or background:

Bachelor and Master degrees in chemistry with a background in organic and/or organometallic chemistry.

*Supervisor: Prof Pablo Ballester


*Project: Supramolecular approaches to catalysis and sensing

*Number of positions: 1

*Reference: PhD 2020-31

*Description of the project:

The group of Prof. Ballester is looking for a highly talented and motivated national or international student who wish to do their PhD under optimum conditions in a modern and stimulating environment, equipped with high-level instruments and technological resources. In partnership with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), ICIQ offers the PhD program “Chemical Science and Technology”. The PhD candidate will be working on the supramolecular chemistry field using molecular and supramolecular synthetic receptors for their application in catalysis and sensing of biologically relevant molecules.

*Preferred skills or background:

Master’s degree in Chemistry.

Good communication skills

Good level of spoken and written English

High motivation for scientific research

Excellent academic transcripts


The programme is open to graduate students, from any nationality that fulfil the following eligibility criteria

Candidates must have a Master or an equivalent degree in the areas of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Chemical Engineering or related disciplines that must be completed by the time of enrolment in the PhD programme.

In case of doubts about the eligibility criteria, applicants should contact the ICIQ Human Resources Team at positions@iciq.es prior to submission of the application.

Candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria will be evaluated according to the following evaluation criteria:

Curriculum vitae. Personal statement. Academic marks. English level. Personal interview for short-listed candidate

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