Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Foundation Stipends

Founded in 2004, the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Foundation for the promotion of science and research, supports talented young women with children in the field of experimental natural sciences and medicine. Each year, Bayer Foundation funds two fellowships for either doctoral students or postdoctoral researchers working in a German research institute or university.

Funds are intended to help reduce the workload of household chores and childcare, and therefore regain the time and flexibility required to maintain a high standard of research despite the additional demands of parenthood. The ambition is to prevent the loss of outstanding talent and to increase the number of highly qualified women undertaking high quality research in Germany.

The application process in managed by the CNV-Foundation independently of Bayer Foundation.

For more information please see here.

Applications can be submitted from September 1st until November 30th of each calendar year.

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