fully funded PhD positions in Quantum Science and Technology in Bavaria, Germany

The Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) initiative organizes an annual international competition for highly prestigious, all-Bavarian MQV doctoral fellowships for outstanding young researchers. The MQV doctoral fellows selected through this competition receive a 3-year ad personam fellowship – they may freely seek to join any research group involved in QST research at any Bavarian university. They have to find mentors willing to supervise their PhD research themselves; being fully funded for three years, they will be welcome in many groups. They then join the graduate program with which their host group is associated.

Fields or research covered by MQV include atomic physics and quantum optics, solid-state physics and material science, quantum information theory, and quantum many-body systems.

The highly selective MQV Fellowship competition envisages to award 7 fellowships per year. However, during the competition candidates will also be screened by individual Bavarian research groups seeking to fill PhD positions funded via other channels (e.g., Bavarian, federal or European funding schemes). Such groups will be able to screen the list of applicants themselves, attend their talks online, identify highly qualified candidates and recruit them to their own PhD positions. Thus, the number of applicants finding PhD positions is potentially much larger than the number of available MQV doctoral fellowships.

MQV doctoral fellows and other doctoral students associated with MQV-related groups will benefit from the existing graduate programs at their respective universities or research institutions. In addition, they will be able to participate in some of the QST summer schools and workshops organized by MQV partners, such as the two International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) associated with MQV, on Quantum Science and Technology (link: IMPRS-QST ) in Munich and on the Physics of Light (link: IMPRS-PL ) in Erlangen.

The MQV fellowship program is committed to recruiting extraordinary students from diverse backgrounds and meeting them with openness and respect. We explicitly encourage female candidates to apply and welcome students from all countries!

Applicants must have completed a Master’s degree (or equivalent) with very good grades by the end of September, 2022.

The call for applications is open from December 1, 2021 until February 1, 2022. Applicants selected for interviews will be informed near the end of February, 2022. Interviews will be conducted online in the second half of March, 2022. Candidates selected as MQV fellows will be informed by the end of March, 2022. They can then start at any time after completion of their Master’s degree, but not later than October 2022.


Prof. Jan von Delft (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Prof. Florian Marquardt (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen & Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

E-Mail: doctoral-fellowships@munich-quantum-valley.de

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