At the Vienna BioCenter (VBC), we want to foster a world-class scientific environment where PhD students thrive and excel. The goal of the Vienna BioCenter PhD program is to train rigorous and independent scientists through a comprehensive training program.
The program encourages students to contribute positively to the advancement of science by making and publishing important scientific discoveries. The training program will allow students to acquire scientific skills, important for a scientific career, but also for other professional paths.
About. 70 teacher-researchers participate in our doctoral school and the research themes are very varied. Find out about all the PIs and the areas they work in at BioCenter Vienna here and why not take a look at where you would work on our virtual campus tour here .
There are two calls each year which open in March and September respectively and the number of positions varies from call to call. Here you will find all the information you need to submit a successful application to one of the most successful programs in Europe. We are happy to answer your questions, but please check the Frequently Asked Questions tab first.
Virtual Open Day
We will host a virtual open house/information session on March 18 (1500 CET Vienna time) to answer your questions and provide information about our campus. If you want to participate, register HERE
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