Call for applications for European Commission postdoctoral fellowships

For the year 2023, the European Commission opened a call on April 12 under the Horizon Europe Program.

The budget allocated for this program is  260.47 million euros.

The program makes it possible to support a selection of around  1,200 projects , to strengthen the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a doctorate, and who wish to acquire new skills: European postdoctoral grants, open to researchers of any nationality wishing to carry out a project in the European Union or in a country associated with Horizon Europe.

The grants offered by this program are intended to support the career, research and training of post-doctoral researchers, with a view to acquiring new skills and new experiences, while carrying out their own research project abroad.

 For more details, please consult the following link:

Important dates : 

-Deadline for submission of proposals:  September 13, 2023 

-Notification of the results will be done in  February 2024 ,

-Signing of grant agreements for the projects selected from the call for applications will take place in  March 2024

-Start of the first EU-funded projects will take place between  April and May 2024 .

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