A team of researchers are developing a technology that can interpret images of the body’s actions in a person’s dream. To watch his dreams like a movie is soon no longer science fiction!
We have all had a dream that we can not remember when we wake up . To this day, viewing his dreams is mainly science fiction, but it could soon change. Researchers from the International Association for the Study of Dreams ( IASD ) are working on a technology that can interpret images of body actions in a person’s dream.
How does it work?
Thanks to what is called electromyography , a medical technique that allows the study of the function of muscles and nerves. This allows you to create a video in which an avatar reproduces the movements recorded during the dreams ( SEE VIDEO ).
The researchers also used this technique to record speech in a dream. In terms of images, they will draw on work published in 2017 that uses functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) to reconstruct the image through the electrical activity of the brain.
The goal is to be able to gather the movements, the words and the images in one and the same recording before creating a kind of film .
Why develop it?
Watching a recording of his dreams would have health benefits. This would have therapeutic benefits by enabling people to better understand their dreams and their subconscious. However, this technology is far from being in the final stages of development and it will still be a few years before reality catches up with science fiction.
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