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3 Year PhD Studentship In Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing

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Reference ENG1342X1

Closing Date Tuesday, 20th October 2020

Department Engineering

Title: Predictive modelling and design optimisation of erodible drug delivery systems

In collaboration with Warwick and Birmingham Universities, as well as with the School of Pharmacy and Physics at Nottingham, the Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM)  will continue a deeper exploration the area of multifunctional AM through the recently awarded Programme Grant, Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing.

The programme vision is to establish controlled next generation multifunctional AM and translate this to industry and researchers. Initially focussing on novel electronic and pharmaceutical/healthcare applications, the aim is to move beyond single material AM by exploiting the potential to deposit multiple materials contemporaneously for the delivery of spatially resolved function and structure in three dimensions.

Project description: 

Additive Manufacturing / 3D printing allows for bespoke production of devices that are tailored to patient need. However, this can only be realised if coupled with effective models and design protocols that capture the phenomenological behaviour linking material, structure and drug release. This behaviour is relatively simple in the case of, for example, simple diffusion release, but where more complex elution occurs, such as when non Fickian behaviour is present, and devise erosion and release predominates. We propose to use finite element based models to describe the mass transport and elution of small and large drug molecules during erosion of the tablet / implant / depot structure.

Requirements of the studentship:

  • UK or EU candidates should have, or expect to obtain, a first-class or 2:1 degree in Engineering, Physics or Science related discipline.
  • Please send a copy of your covering letter, CV and academic transcripts to note applications without academic transcripts will not be considered. 
  • The studentship is available to start immediately.
  • Please refer to the project title when sending your e-mail/application.

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