- Deadline
- Research Field
Formal sciencesProfessions and applied sciences
- Funding Type
- Career Stage
First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
- European Research Programme
Not funded by an EU programme
The research group SANS (Statistical Analysis of Networks and Systems, http://sans.ac.upc.edu) looks for motivated candidates to pursue a doctoral thesis in the “Computer Architecture” PhD programme (https://www.ac.upc.edu/en/academics/ph-d/ph-d-programme-by-computer-arc…), in Barcelona, Spain, to applied to the PhD fellowships granted by the “ministry of science and innovation” of the government of Spain, to the national project PID2022-138155OB-I00 “Data-driven techniques for improving data-quality in networks of IoT nodes (DIDEROT)”.
DIDEROT project aims to investigate the application of data-driven techniques for obtaining maximum accuracy in the data captured by IoT devices equipped with low-cost sensors. The main outcome of the project will be techniques to optimizing data quality while reducing the acquisition, maintenance and operation costs of monitoring networks, with applications to a wide range of fields.
The PhD student will work during his/her thesis in i) contributing to the advancement of knowledge in state-of-the-art ML&AI techniques for data quality in low-cost sensor (LCS) networks such as the use of advanced ML&AI techniques to improve tasks like it could be outlier and event detection, drift detection, in-situ recalibration techniques, missing data imputation, design of proxies, or the design of virtual sensors, and ii) exploring the extension of current results on advanced ML&AI techniques for data quality in LCS networks to other application areas like the representation of the physical systems (used for instance in digital twins, using for example reduced order models) or the optimal location of sensors to minimize reconstruction errors.
The group has an advanced monitoring system based on IoT devices, which allows them to have datasets of great value for research. Although the candidate will not be responsible for the development of the monitoring system, it is expected that she/he will be involved in tasks related to experimental deployments, so that she/he can optimize the data that are of interest for her/his research.
What is funded
The PhD fellowship covers up to 4 years of PhD. The fellowship is 22.000 Euros 1st year, 23.200 Euros 2nd year, and 28.600 Euros 3rd and 4th year. Registration fees in the doctoral program are included in the fellowship. The candidate only pays the assurance (around 150 euros/year).
The scholarship will have a duration of 4 years from the signing of the contract.
We are looking for candidates with a solid background in applied mathematics, machine learning, statistics or signal processing techniques. Degrees we are considering include (but are not limited to): applied mathematics, physics, computer science, or electrical and telecommunication engineering. We are looking for candidates with a strong research orientation, and interested in the application of research to solve problems of practical interest.
Contact: send CV and gradings of BSc and MSc to the attention of:
Prof. Jorge Garcia-Vidal and Prof. Jose M. Barcelo-Ordinas
emails: jorge.garcia@upc.edu and jose.maria.barcelo@upc.edu
Please send the email to both.
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