Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Civil Engineering

Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Civil Engineering on the ARISE Project Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Ryan Institute

Application(s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time funded PhD scholarship(s) starting in March 2023 affiliated to the School of Engineering at the University of Galway.

University of Galway: Located in the vibrant cultural city of Galway in the west of Ireland, with over 18,000 students and more than 2,400 staff, the University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence https://www.universityofgalway.ie/our-research/ The successful candidate(s) will undertake training and research on the design, finite element modelling and experimental testing of intermeshed steel connections in a range of structural applications.

Brief Project Description [400 Characters max, approx 60 to 100 words]: This PhD project will involve the design, finite element modelling and experimental testing of intermeshed steel connections in a range of structural applications, including beam-beam, column–column and beam-column assemblies. This will include consideration of automated assembly procedures and deconstruction and reuse at end-of-life. This successful candidate will conduct research using the equipment, technical expertise, office and research space within the School of Engineering at University of Galway. The Alice Perry Engineering building houses state-of-the-art Structural Engineering facilities, testing laboratories, research space and computer suites.

Detailed Project Description [Max 1000 words]: Steel in construction currently accounts for over 50% of global steel use, with structural steel framing in buildings accounting for 25% of this. While structural steel is recyclable, its capacity for reuse is limited by traditional assembly methods, on site welding in particular. Recent advancements in advanced manufacturing and precision cutting technologies have led to the development of simplified intermeshed connections for steel sections which can reduce the requirement for traditional bolted and welded connections, enabling faster building erection, greater prefabrication and allowing practical disassembly. This project proposes to adapt the intermeshed steel connection method for robotic assembly and disassembly; this will include modelling and testing of the very first intermeshed column-column connection of its kind. Harnessing multidisciplinary expertise across structural engineering, computer science, robotics, sensors, and advanced manufacturing, this project will also address the future of construction sites via exploration of automated frame assembly procedures through simulation and lab-based activities.

Living allowance (Stipend): €18,500 per annum, [tax-exempt scholarship award]

University fees: EU tuition fees for a maximum of 4 years

Start date: Available from March 2023

Academic Entry Requirements: • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (2.1 grade or higher) in Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering or a closely related discipline

• Knowledge of structural design

• Report writing experience

• Experience in experimental testing and finite element analysis is desirable

• Excellent English communication skills, in particular, report writing and presentation skills.

To Apply for the Scholarship: Please send applications to Dr Patrick McGetrick (patrick.mcgetrick@universityofgalway.ie) in a single PDF document that includes a cover letter and CV. Use the subject line “PhD Application – ARISE”.

Contact Name: [Dr Patrick McGetrick] Contact Email: [patrick.mcgetrick@universityofgalway.ie]

Application Deadline: [date 23/01/2023] and time [17:00] (Irish time 24hr format)

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