Master Research Scholarship – COFAC/UL/Epic-We/2023-01

The Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa, established by COFAC – Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural. CRL, announces a call for applications for two (two) research scholarship, hereinafter referred to as Master Research Scholarship, in the area of Psychology, Education, Media and Communication. The grant will be funded under the European Project EPIC-WE: Empowered Participation through Ideating Cultural Worlds and Environments (101095058 — EPIC-WE — HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01).

Main duties:

  1. Research of scientific articles in databases and external sources (such as websites);
  2. Codification of content in content analysis software and collaboration on analysis;
  3. Collaboration in the writing of scientific reports and papers;
  4. Collaboration in the preparation, submission, and presentation of oral communications for scientific events.

Type and number of grant(s) to be awarded: 2 (two) National research scholarship for Master students under reference COFAC/UL/Epic-We/2023-01.

Scientific field(s): Social Sciences

Scientific subareas: Psychology, Education, Media and Communication

Applicants: The Master Research Grants are intended for candidates already enrolled or candidates who meet the necessary conditions to enroll in the Master Program and wish to develop research activities, leading to a master degree, in the context with the scientific work developed at CICANT – Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies.

Eligibility of applicants: The following are eligible to apply to this call: National citizens or citizens of other European Union Member States; Citizens of third countries; Stateless persons; Citizens benefiting from political refugee status.

Candidate Admission Requirements:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in the study areas of Psychology, Education, Media and Communication;
  • Not hold a Master;
  • Proficient command of English.

Contracting entity: COFAC –Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, C.R.L. with headquarters at Av. Campo Grande 376, 1749-024 Lisboa, Portugal

Unit for hosting research work and scientific guidance: The work will be developed at CICANT – Research Centre in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies, under the scientific supervision of Professor Conceição Costa, and the supervisors of specific tasks as designated.

Duration of the grant(s): The duration of the grants is one year (12 months), renewable for up to a maximum of two years (24 months), and cannot be awarded for a period of less than three consecutive months.

For more information, please read the full announcement attached.
