Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language, Literature and Culture

Field of Study Norwegian language
Level PhD, MSc
Country Norway
  • The mobility grant is awarded to Master and PhD students who have chosen the Norwegian language, Norwegian literature or also Norwegian culture as topics for their dissertation.
  • A prerequisite is that you are a student at a department for Nordic/Scandinavian studies at an institution outside of Norway.
  • The grant must be used for fieldwork in connection with a Norwegian higher institution of learning and with a Norwegian tutor.
  • Grants are awarded for a minimum of one and a maximum of three months, and cover travel to/from Norway, accommodation and living expenses in Norway for this period.
  1. Download and read the Guidelines for the Mobility grant for Norwegian Language, Literature and Culture.
  2. Prepare a project description and contact a tutor and an institution of higher learning in Norway.
  3. Fill out the online application form in Espresso.
  4. The application can be written in English or Norwegian.
  5. Obligatory attachments: a recommendation letter from the home institution tutor a personal invitation letter from the Norwegian institution .
  6. Submit the application before the annual deadline of March 25th, 2022.
  7. Your application will be assessed by the Programme Committee for Norwegian Studies Abroad.
  8. The applicant will be informed about the outcome of their application approximately in May.
Deadline 25-May-22
Organization Norway Mobility Grant
How to Apply Official Link
  •  The following costs can be covered by the grant.
  • Travel grant: NOK 2 000 for travel from countries in Europe NOK 3 000 for travel from St. Petersburg and Moscow in Russia NOK 5 000 for travel from other cities in Russia, other Eurasia countries and countries outside of Europe Grant for board and lodging.
  • The grant follows the rates set by The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund for basic support and is NOK 11 500 per month for the academic year 2022-2023.

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