The Orange Knowledge Programme aims to contribute to a society’s sustainable and inclusive development. Its scholarships are open to mid-career professionals in specific countries. The programme is the successor of the NICHE and NFP programmes.
How can you apply?
You cannot apply online on this website. You need to first select a course and then contact the education institution of your course and ask how to apply for the scholarship.
You can find a list of courses and institutions that are linked to the Orange Knowledge Programme in Studyfinder, using the filter ‘OKP qualified – Yes’. You can also find contact details of the institutions there.
Nationals of which countries can apply?
The Orange Knowledge Programme individual scholarships are open to mid-career professionals, who are nationals of – and living and working in – the following countries:
We emphasise that these scholarships are also open for applicants from francophone countries.
Note: In the next application round opening in September, Tunisia will replace India in the country list above.
Which courses are available?
Scholarships are available for a selection of:
- short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months);
- master’s programmes (duration 12 – 24 months).
All courses that are eligible for an Orange Knowledge Programme scholarship for this application round are listed in Studyfinder. Please search in Studyfinder, using the filter ‘OKP qualified – Yes’. You can also find contact details of the institutions there.
What are the deadlines?
There are 3 application rounds for individual scholarships every year. These rounds usually open in February, June and September. The application round in September is only for short courses. The deadlines vary per institution.
Current application round
The deadline for the round that opened in September has passed. The next round opens in February 2020.
After selecting a course, you need to contact the Dutch institution directly for more information about the application deadline.
What are the criteria?
You cannot apply with us. You need to contact your Dutch education institution. Each institution may have different specific criteria.
For more information on the general eligibility criteria please read:
OKP information for applicants(165 kB)
Please note that there are focus areas for each country. Only applications that fall within the focus area of your country of employment are eligible.
Country focus document Orange Knowledge Programme (220 KB)
Please check the obligations and conditions before you apply:
Obligations for scholarship holders Orange Knowledge Programme
Please check whether your local government requires a government statement:
Government statement requirements – Orange Knowledge Programme
What is the selection procedure?
The procedure is as follows:
- Candidates register with their Dutch education institution
- Dutch institution nominates candidates and submits grant application
- Embassies check eligibility and assess applications
- Selection results published
- Grants awarded
The Dutch institution can give you more information on the various steps involved in the application and selection procedures, as well as the eligibility criteria. You can find contact information for the Dutch institutions on
Information for current OKP scholarship holders or graduates
Information for NFP scholarship holders or graduates
Funding and management
This 5-year programme is initiated and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic.
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