A merit-based full scholarship for international students at Duke University

THE KARSH PROGRAMA merit-based full scholarship for international students at Duke University.

The Karsh International Scholarship was created to bring together top students from all over the world. The scholars’ academic ambitions and fields of study at Duke are as varied as their homelands. Learn more.

OUR SELECTION PROCESSApply to Duke University!


Karsh International Scholars are selected from the pool of international applicants to Duke who are qualified for financial aid. That pool of applicants is growing every year, thanks in large part to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Karsh. Learn more.


A community of scholars, an intellectual hub

The Karsh International Scholarship Program is located within the Office of Undergraduate Scholars and Fellows (OUSF) at Duke. OUSF Staff provide full support for the Program through services such as student advising, mentorship, and event planning. Our scholars are part of a larger community of merit scholars and academically engaged students at Duke University.  Learn more.

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