Women in Technology Scholarship


The world economy continues to leverage and build upon the digital revolution, and industry is becoming critically dependent on information technology. Further, these developments are increasingly disrupting society and familiar social processes. Women, however, are still largely underrepresented in decisions as they relate to information technology and how they impact our world now and into the future. To create a world in which men and women have equal opportunities, women need to have an active role in the field of information technology and access to leadership roles such as chief information officers (CIOs) and chief technology officers (CTOs). Zonta International is pleased to support the Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarship to encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in information technology.


Women of any age and nationality, pursuing an information technology (IT) degree at an accredited university/college/institute, who demonstrate an outstanding academic record during their academic studies, including information technology subjects. Demonstrated initiative, ambition and commitment to pursuing a career in information technology. Online students are also eligible to apply if enrolled at an accredited university/college/institute.

Students must be enrolled in at least the second year of an undergraduate program through the final year of a post graduate program at the time the application is submitted. Applicants must be in school at the time the scholarship funds are disbursed and must not graduate before April 2022. Zonta International Women in Information Technology Scholarship recipients may not apply to renew the Scholarship for a second year.

Golden Z club members may apply.

Classified members and employees of Zonta International and Zonta Foundation for Women, and their family members (ancestors, descendants, adoptees, siblings, nieces or cousins, and those of their spouse or cohabiting partner), are not eligible to apply.


Applicants apply directly to Zonta International. The Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarship Committee reviews the applications and recommends up to 20 recipients to the Zonta International Board. All applicants will be notified of their status by the end of April 2022.

Apply Now


The 2021 Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarship application must be submitted by 15 October 2021 to be considered.


Zonta International will award up to 20 scholarships of US$8,000 each. Women in Technology Scholarships are made possible through generous contributions to the Rose Fund from Zontians, Zonta clubs and friends of Zonta.

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