Siena International Excellence Scholarships

In line with initiatives aimed at enhancing the international attractiveness of its academic programs, the University of Siena is providing grants to honor distinguished international students and encourage their enrollment in selected Master’s degree programs (Lauree Magistrali).

For the academic year 2024/2025, our University is offering four Siena International Excellence Scholarships, each worth €5,000.00 annually (gross amount), for a duration of one year, renewable for a second year (for a total of 10,000.00 euros over two years, gross amount).

Application opening: April 15, 2024.

Application deadline: May 6, 2024.

 Download the call for scholarship applications

Who can apply?

This exclusive opportunity is available to individuals holding non-Italian citizenship and who have earned their entry qualifications from institutions outside Italy, underscoring the University’s dedication to fostering an educational environment enriched by a variety of international insights.

To be considered for selection, applicants must, under penalty of exclusion:

  1. Hold a non-Italian Bachelor’s degree that qualifies for admission to Master’s degree programs (Lauree Magistrali) within the Italian University system;
  2. Not hold Italian citizenship, except for individuals with dual citizenship that includes Italian;
  3. Not be a resident of Italy. For the purposes of this call for applications, the following are considered residents of Italy:
    • Non-EU citizens with a valid residence permit that allows for enrolment in an Italian university without the need for a new student Visa, as per Italian Legislative Decree 286/1998;
    • EU and EU-equated citizens who have continuously resided in Italy for more than 9 months. Citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Republic of San Marino, and Switzerland are considered as EU citizens.
  4. Have applied for any of the Master’s degree programs listed below, following the procedures and meeting the deadlines specified on the platform Candidates can apply for up to two programs.

Both candidates awaiting evaluation and those who have already received confirmation of acceptance to one of the study programs listed below (first or second intake) are eligible to apply.

Which courses qualify for the scholarship?

The scholarships are awarded to the most talented students admitted to selected Master’s degree programs conducted entirely in English. One scholarship is available for each of the following four areas:

  1. Area of Economics and Law, which includes the following Master’s degree programs:
    • Economics
    • Finance
  2. Area of Political, International, Social and Cognitive Sciences, which includes the following Master’s degree programs:
    • Language and Mind: Linguistics and Cognitive Studies
    • Public and Cultural Diplomacy
  3. Area of Biomedical and Medical Sciences, which includes the following Master’s degree programs:
    • Biotechnologies of Human Reproduction
    • Medical Biotechnologies
  4. Area of Math and Experimental Sciences, which includes the following Master’s degree programs:
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering
    • Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality
    • Chemistry
    • Electronics and Communications Engineering
    • Engineering Management
    • Sustainable Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Application Submission

IMPORTANT: Please read the following carefully.

The applications will open on Monday April 15, 2024.

Applications can be submitted through the portal at the following link:

The scholarship application is included in the listing for the academic year 2024/2025, under the “Scholarship” section.

Only applications from candidates who have already applied for admission to at least one of the courses listed above will be considered. If a candidate has applied for admission to two courses, a single scholarship application is sufficient.

non-refundable fee of 10 euros is required to submit the scholarship application. Payment instructions will be sent via email following the same procedure used for course admission applications.

IMPORTANT: It is crucial that the scholarship application is submitted using the same account used for the course admission application.

In the application, candidates must provide the following information and documentations:

  • Short self-made video in which the candidate should explain their motivations (no longer than 1 minute);
  • Name(s) of the Master’s degree program(s) for which they are applying for this call.

In addition to the above, the Evaluation Committee will use the documentation already uploaded by the applicant for their admission application through the same portal. The documents required for the admission are listed here.

Incomplete applications will be rejected.


For more information please refer to the official call for applications. If you have any doubts or further questions, please contact us through the ticketing service available as described on this page.

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