French Government scholarship

In line with French diplomacy, the French Institute of Serbia and the French Embassy promote the objectives of sustainable development alongside the United Nations. This year, particular emphasis is placed on objectives 5 “Gender equality” and 13 “Measures relating to the fight against climate change”. While all disciplines remain eligible for a scholarship from the French Government, for masters 2 and doctorate level scholarships, files relating to these themes will be examined with the greatest care.

Given the large number of applications and the rigorous selection, applicants are recommended to submit applications to other scholarship programs to increase their chances of financing their mobility in France.


These scholarships cover tuition (up to a maximum of € 5,000) and living costs in France as well as social protection. The selected students have the status of Bursary of the French Government offering them other advantages (housing assistance, etc.).


10 months maximum,


French government



30 years for the Master 2 level and 35 years for jointly-supervised doctorates




Agriculture – agrifood; Architecture, town planning and land use planning; Arts, culture, design and fashion; Biology; Chemistry; Communication and journalism; Law; Environment and Earth Sciences; Computer science; Languages ​​and letters; Management, administration, finance and commerce; Mathematics; Physical; Health and social professions; Educational Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Economic and political sciences; Humanities and Social Sciences; Sports; Tourism, hotels and restaurants; Transport and logistics

1. Priority given to scientific and technical disciplines, but also to

areas related to climate change and gender equality.

2. Priority is given to projects falling within the framework of institutional cooperation.

existing or under development (between Serbian and French universities, between

research laboratories, between municipalities, etc.).


Master; Doctorate

Master 2 and doctorate in joint supervision


A good level of French and / or English is desirable. At the request of the jury, the candidate may be brought

to take a language knowledge test allowing them to offer solutions for

improve their language level before leaving for France.

However, exceptions are made for students wishing to enroll in

English-speaking courses.


Application criteria

1) Quality of the university file

2) Adequacy with the cooperation priorities defined by the Institut français

1. Priority given to scientific and technical disciplines, but also to

areas related to climate change and gender equality.

2. Priority is given to projects falling within the framework of institutional cooperation.

existing or under development

3) Quality of the university and professional project

4) Fluency in French and / or English

A good level of French is desirable. However, exceptions are made for students wishing to enroll in

English-speaking courses.

5) Existence of co-financing

Particular attention is paid to files for which the students foresee another source of funding

6) Quality of the training chosen



Please note: Registration with higher education establishments in France

(universities, grandes écoles, etc.) is separate from the scholarship application procedure. Students

must pay attention to the deadlines for submitting files for registration to the chosen course. He is

prudent to select several courses in France, in case the registration is not

accepted in the course chosen first.


March 28, 2022


1. curriculum vitae in French (or English);

2. cover letter in French (or English);

3.detailed description of the course that the student wishes to follow in France, the name of

the French higher education institution issuing the chosen diploma, the exact title

training, duration, and tuition fees;

4. copy of the last diploma obtained;

5. last transcript of marks obtained;

6.any element that the student deems useful to provide in support of his file (other diplomas,

recommendations from professors, etc.);

7. proof that contact has been established with the university (s) or establishment (s)

of higher education (s) chosen.

Note: For documents n˚4 to n˚6, translations into French are not compulsory.


The files are examined by the University and Scientific Pole of the French Institute of Serbia.

Any incomplete or ineligible file is eliminated. A pre-selection on the basis of criteria 1 and

2 exposed below is performed.

Candidates whose files are preselected are invited for an interview before a

jury during the months of April and May

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