Fully funded scholarship to study veterinary medicine in Britain

The Canadian Government’s IVVN and the International Development Research Center (IDRC) are funding a scholarship program for women postdoctoral researchers from low and middle-income countries (PRFI) who will support their career advancement in veterinary vaccinology and accelerate development of vaccines for livestock and zoonotic diseases.

Scholarships are available for a  period of 9-11 months  , and  £ 50,000 are available per scholarship awarded  . The program will offer researchers the opportunity to establish a mentee / mentor relationship, which supports the professional development of the mentee and allows him to work on defined research to advance the development of veterinary vaccines.

Applicants are invited to submit a letter of intent to define the scope of the project and the mentee / mentor (s) partnership. If this partnership is not already identified, the letter of intent must be submitted to request assistance in finding a potential mentor. Letters of intent must be submitted to the IVVN  IVVN@roslin.ed.ac.uk  before 9  pm  April 9 2020. Please ensure you have read the  guidance notes on  the  IVVN Fellowship  for more details on eligibility and further information on the scholarship program before submitting the letter of intent.

Applicants must be members of IVVN (  free membership is available here  ) and PRITI applicants and working in a PRITI-based research organization are invited to apply (  all countries listed here  are eligible for funding) .

If you have any questions regarding the program, please send an email to Dr. Carly Hamilton at  IVVN@roslin.ed.ac.uk  .

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