FRIDA Fellowship for Young Feminist Activists

FRIDA works with young feminist activists all over the world to build a more just, sustainable world and believes that when young feminist activists are trusted as experts of their own reality and provided with resources, opportunities, and networks, they are a powerful force for change.

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In partnership with OpenGlobalRights, FRIDA is thrilled to announce Climate and Environmental Justice Media Fellowship, a five-month program designed to provide mentorship and training to Global South young feminists on climate and environmental justice activism and digital journalism. This Fellowship is for young feminists interested in amplifying the issues at the intersection of climate and environmental justice and gender rights and strengthening their critical, sharp, and influential writing.

Opportunity Focus Areas:

  • Writing.
  • Environment and climate change.
  • Human rights.
  •  journalism.

Required Languages


Program Period

Five-month program .

  • Fellows will dedicate 4-5 hours per week (total of 15-20 hours per month) from August 1 – December 13, 2019.

Eligibility Requirements (Criteria)

You are eligible to apply for this fellowship if you meet the following criteria:

● You are a young feminist (between ages of 18 and 30) based anywhere in  Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and the Caribbean and willing to travel in the pursuit of the story. Applicants based in Western Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand are not eligible to apply for this fellowship.

● You are passionate about climate and environmental justice and young feminist organizing and want to communicate this specifically through writing to your community and the world. You are someone who is locally, regionally or internationally connected to networks, groups, and communities in the climate and environmental movements and/or gender justice movements, and who wants to share with a wider audience the context of your local and regional struggles, and the alternatives, solutions, and projects that your communities are working on.

● You are particularly dedicated to an intersectional lens and bridging the communication between climate and environmental justice movements and gender justice movements. You are a natural communicator, skilled narrator, social leader or community organizer who know that this work of communicating in of itself is important movement-building work.

● You have a background in activism and writing, especially organizing with or in collaboration with rural, indigenous, and black youth and grassroots communities, LBTQIA groups, feminist collectives, or workers’ unions, and are keen in gaining more experience as a journalist, writer, and advocate by working with fellow organizers, established editors and publishing on an international platform.

● You can be dedicated to the fellowship, support your cohort fellows, and communicate reliably about your progress, obstacles, and questions to the fellowship team. Ideally, you are ready to challenge yourself, your politics and writing through this fellowship and create brave, original, sharp analysis, reporting, and content.

● You can communicate and write proficiently in English, as this will be the main language used during the fellowship program.

Opportunity Cost

(Fully Funded)

How to Apply

First step:

Submit your application through a simple and short Google form HERE.

Second step:

  • Submit your personal information.
  • Express your interests about climate and environmental justice and young feminist organizing in your own context and why you want to be a part of this fellowship.
  • Use Open Global Right’s guidelines for submitting a query (Here) to ‘pitch’ here for one story that you would like to write. Be as specific as possible about your topic, explain how you will develop this story minimally, and why your angle is important/newsworthy/relevant/unique. Maximum two brief paragraphs.
  • Please submit a sample of your writing, whether published or unpublished.

Third step: Send your application and good luck!

Apply Now

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Know more about this opportunity:

Official Website

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