Post doc fellowship on plant metacaspases in Umeå, Sweden

A fellowship is available in a collaborative, Wallenberg foundation financed project “ Co-evolution of metacaspase structure and biological function in Arabidopsis”, which aims to advance our mechanistic understanding of metacaspase family proteases. The project is a close cooperation between five research groups located in Uppsala BioCenter at SLUSLU Umeå and Umeå University, with complementary expertise in biochemistry, structural biology, drug design and plant biology. The successful candidate for this fellowship will join the group of professor Hannele Tuominen ( at Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC).

Last day to apply: 15 October 2021

Umeå Plant Science Centre is a research centre in Umeå, Sweden where research of both basic and strategic importance is carried out on all organization levels of the plant with a common goal to understand the plant as a complex organism in dynamic interaction with its environment.

The project:

Previous studies carried out by the host and other laboratories have linked metacaspases to regulation of aging and cell fate in diverse organisms, but the underlying mechanisms, including proteolytic substrates of metacaspases, remain poorly understood. The main purpose of this project is to establish the mechanism of Metacaspase9 function in xylem differentiation and cell death.

Gene deletions models will be utilized in Arabidopsis and Populus for functional studies and identification of metacaspase targets specifically in xylem elements, using CRISPR-Cas9 technology, single cell technologies and the COFRADIC technology in collaboration with VIB, Ghent. An important part of the project are also enzymatic assays and in planta validation of activators, inhibitors and substrates that are identified in collaboration with the structural biology and drug design partner of the consortium (professor Anna Linusson, Umeå University).


We are looking for a plant biologist with a PhD degree and experience in plant cell and molecular biology, genetics and physiology. Candidates with documented experience in proteomic analyses and/or plant proteolysis are particularly encouraged to apply.

Place of work:

Umeå Plant Science Center, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden


A stipend is initially granted for 2 years. The tax-free stipend is financed by the Kempe foundation and amounts to 300 000 SEK per year.

Starting date: January 2022, but could also be earlier or slightly later.

Please send your application, including a personal letter, CV, and contact information of minimum two and preferably three reference persons by e-mail to latest October 15, 2021. Applications are evaluated continuously.

Relevant references

Bollhöner B, Zhang B, Stael S, Denancé N, Overmyer K, Goffner D, van Breusegem F and Tuominen H 2013. Post mortem function of AtMC9 in xylem vessel elements.  New Phytologist 200:498-510.

Escamez S, Stael S, Vainonen J, Willems P, Jin H, Kimura S, Van Breusegem F, Gevaert K~, Wrzaczek M, and Tuominen H. 2019. Extracellular peptide Kratos restricts cell death during vascular development and stress in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental botany 70: 2199–2210.

Escamez S, André D, Sztojka B, Bollhöner B, Hall H, Berthet B, Voss U, Lers A, Maizel A, Andersson M, Bennett M, Tuominen H. 2020. Cell death in cells overlying lateral root primordia contributes to organ growth in Arabidopsis. Current Biology 30: 1–10

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