MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship – Centre for Construction Industry – Oslo, Norway


Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 6 March 2022

The Centre for Construction Industry at BI Norwegian Business School (BI) currently invites researchers outside of Norway to apply for a two-year EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF).

This highly regarded fellowship gives candidates the opportunity to pursue a two-year research project as part of the centre and under the supervision of an experienced professor in their field.

Eligible candidates must hold a PhD, have a maximum of 8 years’ research experience from the time the PhD was awarded, and cannot have lived or worked in Norway for 12 months or more over the past three years.


BI’s Centre for Construction Industry is a research centre located at the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at BI and specializes in high-quality research using the AEC industry as an empirical context. The centre has the ambition of being a well-recognised research centre in the international research community. Today, 10 people are connected to the centre, including PhD and post-doctoral candidates and several faculty members, also from other departments. The centre hosts a professor chair within efficient and effective building processes.


The Centre for Construction Industry invites candidates to apply for a two-year EU-funded MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF-2022) to do research on collaborative strategies in the AEC industry. Relevant topics include, but are not confined to:

  • New collaborative project delivery models, such as integrated project delivery and alliances
  • Repeated collaboration across projects
  • The impact of digitalization and/or the green shift on relationships in the AEC’s value chain and/or on collaborative strategies

It is expected that the candidate will be active in the centre and in the national and international research and industry communities, such as by attending and giving presentations at academic and industry seminars and conferences. The centre seeks a candidate who will contribute with high-level research and publications at both national and international levels. Candidates must have a PhD degree preferably within strategy, innovation, management, leadership and/or organization.

The successful candidate will be supervised by either Associate Professor Lena Bygballe or Professor Chair Ragnhild Kvålshaugen.

For more information about the centre, contact: Lena E. Bygballe ( or Ragnhild Kvålshaugen (


With this call for Expressions of Interest, we invite candidates to submit an initial two-page outline of their proposed project and a CV to by 6 March 2022.

The project outline should include a brief description of:

  • the purpose of the project, including the hypothesis or central research question that the project seeks to test/answer
  • why it is important to undertake this research, including how the project contributes to the state of the art
  • what research methodology and approach will be used
  • the complementary between the candidate and supervisor, and why BI is an appropriate host institution

The Expressions of Interest will be evaluated internally at BI and candidates will be selected for full application development, including participating in the MSCA-PF Master Class hosted by BI at the end of April 2022. The selected candidates will develop their MSCA-PF applications in collaboration with their BI supervisor and with the support from the team for external financing at BI. The deadline for submitting the MSCA-PF proposal is 14 September 2022.

For more information about the MSCA-PF funding scheme and the application process at BI, contact


BI is an independent, not-for-profit foundation, whose sole purpose is teaching and research. BI is the main provider of research-based knowledge in the business and management disciplines in Norway. Since its founding in 1943, BI has focused on bridging the gap between academia and practice. The school’s strategy for 2025 is “Shaping people and business for an international, digital and sustainable future”. BI has approximately 20,000 students and 430 academic staff, including over 70 doctoral students. The research faculty is organized into 9 separate departments, with research centres dedicated to business administration, marketing, finance, and general management. With accreditations from AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) and AMBA (The Association of MBAs), BI is a “Triple Crown” school. In 2019, the Financial Times ranked BI as Norway’s best business school for the fifth year in a row in its yearly European Business School ranking. BI has extensive support for faculty, such as a highly professional and modern library and a Learning Resource Centre for research and teaching support. There are well-equipped research laboratories and a faculty club to facilitate the transfer and application of knowledge.

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