Bourse postdoctorale pour étudier la biologie structurale des protéines membranaires

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Postdoctoral fellowship to study membrane protein structural biology

The Andersson lab at the Department of Chemistry at Umeå University, Sweden, is looking to recruit a postdoctoral fellow (2-year fellowship, funded by the Kempe foundation) to join our team to study ATP-dependent membrane proteins with a specific focus on regulation mechanisms and bacterial antibiotic resistance. We combine structural biology techniques ranging from cryo-EM, X-ray solution scattering, and cutting-edge time-resolved X-ray scattering to determine structures of high-energy states (see our 2020 publication in Science Advances) – that are invisible to other structural biology techniques. So, if you’re interested in pushing the limits of structural biology – come join our team!


The required qualification is a doctoral degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, or a related field. The applicant must have practical experience and expertise of protein production and purification. Prior experience from working with membrane proteins, nanodiscs, and structural biology techniques, are considered merits. Good knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken, is required. A suitable candidate should also have good collaboration skills, a high degree of independence, and problem-solving analytical ability.


The application should include:

    • A cover letter stating why you want to join the lab and study membrane protein structural biology (maximum 1 pages). This letter must also contain your contact details.
    • A Curriculum Vitae including a list of peer-reviewed published articles
    • Copies of doctoral degree certificate and other relevant degree certificates
    • Name and contact information for two reference persons of which one should be your PhD supervisor

Send your complete application to and make sure to use the subject line: “postdoc application Kempe”. Applications will be accepted until March 15. The top-ranked candidates will be contacted within three weeks from the closing date for an interview. Starting date according to agreement. For more information, contact Dr. Magnus Andersson.

The Andersson lab is part of the Integrated Structural Biology community at Umeå University, consisting of 14 research groups that use, and have access to, high-field NMR, X-ray crystallography, world-class cryoEM, and high-performance supercomputing.


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