Sheikh Khaled bin Nasser “may God have mercy on him” scholarship

The Sheikh Khalid bin Nasser Scholarship provides Qatari students and residents of Qatar with the opportunity to enroll in university education and obtain a bachelor’s degree in one of the scientific disciplines. The Sheikh Khalid bin Nasser Scholarship provides full or partial sponsorship for the student, depending on the applicant’s condition.

Applications for the grant are received through the Afif Charitable Foundation website, provided that the conditions set forth below are met.

Terms and conditions for submitting applications to join the Sheikh Khalid bin Nasser Scholarship

  • The student must have obtained admission in one of the universities in the State of Qatar, in one of the following majors
  • The age of the student should not exceed 25 years
  • The student must have a score higher than 90% for high school graduates, and a cumulative average of no less than 3.5 for a regular university student. All required documents must be completed and submitted electronically via the Afif Foundation website
  • The applicant must be economically destitute.
  • The student should not be a beneficiary of any scholarship offered by other parties (it does not apply to the partial scholarship).
  • The applicant should undergo a case study by the Social Assistance Department at Afif Charity. A date is set for a personal interview for the candidates by the administrative team to ensure the eligibility of the applicants and their seriousness in the study
  • The scholarship is offered to only one member of the family, and other applications for members of the same family can be considered after the beneficiary finishes his studies.
  • The scholarship period is (4 consecutive years), and accordingly the scholarship stops automatically at the end of the fourth year.
  • The annual scholarship does not exceed a maximum of 40,000 QR per applicant.
  • The scholarship stops and is withheld when the student’s academic level declines or fails during the scholarship period
  • Students with a low academic level attending any university are not entitled to apply for the scholarship (full / partial).
  • Filling out the form below with all the required documents is mandatory


Applications for joining the Sheikh Khalid bin Nasser Scholarship are received throughout the year. Applications and preference among them are studied on a semi-annual basis, and those accepted are notified via an official e-mail by the Social Assistance Department.

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