Automatic Entrance Scholarships to the University of Toronto Mississauga

When you are admitted to the University of Toronto Mississauga, you are automatically assessed and may be eligible for scholarships based on academic excellence and other criteria. You are notified of your eligibility for an entrance scholarship when receiving notice of your offer, along with any terms and conditions of retaining the scholarship. Some of these scholarship are guaranteed based on your admission average, available to both domestic and international, while some are awarded on the basis of academic achievement and selected by committee.

University of Toronto International Scholar Award – University of Toronto Mississauga

The University of Toronto International Scholar Award – University of Toronto Mississauga is automatically awarded to exceptional international students at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Recipients are selected by committee. Based on academic achievement and overall academic competitiveness, you may be awarded one of the following:

  • Up to $180,000 ($45,000 x 4 years)
  • Up to $100,000 ($25,000 x 4 years)

Terms and conditions

U of T Mississauga Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship

Three levels of entrance scholarships guaranteed to all domestic and international students admitted to our campus with the admitted average listed below.

  • 95.0% and above: Up to $12,000 ($3,000 renewable x 4 years)
  • 92.0% — 94.9%: $3,000 (non-renewable)
  • 90.0% — 91.9%: $2,000 (non-renewable)

Terms and conditions

President’s Scholars of Excellence Award

The most highly qualified students applying to first year of direct entry, undergraduate studies will be distinguished as President’s Scholars of Excellence. They will receive an entrance scholarship in their first year of studies; guaranteed access to part-time, meaningful, on-campus employment during second year; and guaranteed access to an international learning opportunity during their U of T experience. To learn more about what these experiences may look like, please visit our PSEP website.

U of T Scholars Award

The U of T Scholars Program provides recognition to the University’s outstanding students, at admission and on an on-going basis. In some cases a U of T Scholars award is tenable in conjunction with other admission awards that students may receive from their college/faculty. Outstanding domestic and international secondary school students are considered automatically for these awards on the basis of their average at the time of admission.

UTM Entrance Scholarship Terms & Conditions

The following conditions apply to the U of T Mississauga Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships:

  • Each year, the University of Toronto Mississauga reserves the right to change the value and eligibility criteria for awards without notice.
  • Available to all newly admitted students directly from high school and are assessed automatically on admission (no application required).
  • Transfering, internal application, visiting, or non-degree students are not eligible for these scholarships.
  • Admission averages listed pertain to the high school curriculum in Ontario.  In other jurisdictions, eligibility will be determined based on local curriculum and other criteria, such as standardized tests and entrance examinations. If you qualify for an entrance scholarship, your eligibility and value of your scholarship will be outlined in your offer of admission.
  • Scholarships are based on the admitted average and will not be reassessed.
  • Where a course has been repeated, the first grade attained will be used in calculating average for scholarship eligibility.
  • Scholarships may be withdrawn due to unsatisfactory academic performance.
  • Scholarships are contingent on full-time registration at the University of Toronto Mississauga and are not transferable to other campuses or faculties.
  • The availability and monetary value of all scholarships are for the current admission cycle/or applicants for the current admission year (with the exception of the renewable portion, outlined below), and are subject to change in the future.

The following conditions apply to the renewable portion of the U of T Mississauga Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship ($3,000 renewable) and are in addition to the conditions listed above:

  • The scholarship is renewed on the basis that you continuously maintain full-time registration at UTM in the Fall/Winter sessions.
  • Students must achieve and maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.70 at the end of Fall/Winter session to be eligible for renewal.
  • Students need to have completed at least 3.0 credits by the end of the Fall/Winter session of each year to qualify for renewal of the scholarship.
  • The scholarship may be renewed up to three consecutive times.
  • The annual scholarship value will be applied to your student account after your full-time enrolment is confirmed in September.
  • If the award is lost in any year due to any conditions not being met, it may not be renewed in a subsequent year, even if all conditions are met.
  • The renewable portion of the scholarship is tenable for upper year students who have received the initial $3,000 portion of this entrance scholarship in 2017 or later; scholarships for students admitted in previous years are not renewable.

The following conditions apply to the University of Toronto International Scholar Award – University of Toronto Mississauga:

  • Each year, the University of Toronto Mississauga reserves the right to change the value and eligibility criteria for awards without notice.
  • This award may be combined with all other entrance scholarships, except the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship. International students paying domestic fees are not eligible for this award.
  • This award may be withdrawn due to unsatisfactory academic performance.
  • This scholarship is contingent on full-time registration at the University of Toronto Mississauga and is not transferable to other campuses or faculties.
  • The scholarship may be renewed up to three consecutive times.
  • Students need to have completed at least 3.0 credits by the end of the Fall/Winter session of each year to qualify for renewal of the scholarship.
  • Award renewal is based on your academic performance and full-time study following your first, second and third year of study. While renewal is not tied to a specific minimum grade point average, we expect that your high academic achievement will continue and that you remain “in good standing.”
  • The annual scholarship value will be applied to your student account after your full-time enrolment is confirmed in September.
  • If the award is lost in any year due to any conditions not being met, it may not be renewed in a subsequent year, even if all conditions are met.

Should you have any questions on the terms and conditions of U of T Mississauga’s Entrance Scholarships, please contact the Student Recruitment & Admissions Office at or 905-828-5400.

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