Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Summer Call 2023

The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. It consists of 32 groups and 500 employees that research how molecules and cells create life, spanning the scale from atom to organism. Founded in 1971, the Biozentrum has been the birthplace of many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine, spawning several Nobel Laureates.
Research at the Biozentrum embraces a wide range of topics with a focus on understanding how molecules are organized to create life and living organisms. Areas of research are the structure and function of macromolecules, the wiring of regulatory circuits, and the general principles underlying complex biological systems and their dynamic interactions.
We invite talented, ambitious and highly motivated young scientists from all over the world to join our International PhD Program. Our fellowships are particularly well suited for students with broad interests or who come from fields such as physics, chemistry or computer science.
Our PhD fellowships are unique: students can select any Biozentrum research group through rotations, which offers the chance to learn skills and techniques needed in modern biology. The fellowships give students full and independent funding for their entire PhD and grant additional travel funds.
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Application / Contact

Please apply online by 25 May 2023:

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