International PhD Program at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology

Under the auspices of the University of Tübingen, more than 80 students from all over the world are working on their PhDs at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory. Here, they profit from an interdisciplinary environment and first-rate scientific resources. Dedicated support and a plethora of courses and workshops foster the growth of our doctoral students. The program offers cutting edge training in

Eligibility Requirements

College/University degree
Generally, applicants must have completed all of the requirements for their MSc or Diplom degree in a relevant subject by the time they begin their PhD. They are welcome to apply while finishing their studies.B.Sc. students graduating within the top 10% of their class from a German university with independent research experience may also be eligible.In exceptional cases, graduates from international 4-year B.Sc. or B.Tech. programs with independent research experience may also be admitted. However, in these cases additional requirements (courses, seminars, exams or a research report) must be fulfilled.

Comparative evaluation of academic performance
Universities within the European Higher Education Area have agreed on mutually accepted standards for graduation. Therefore, no additional evidence of academic performance is required.

Applicants who do not hold a degree from a university within the European Higher Education Area must submit a GRE or GATE score. A copy of the official score report is sufficient for application. The official score report needs to be provided prior to the interview.

Both the GRE general test score as well as a relevant subject test score are accepted. Our GRE Institution Code is 4791. In general, successful applicants have scored above 152 (500 pre-2011) on the verbal test and above 155 (700 pre-2011) on the quantitative test. Find out more about the GRE here.

Applicants from India may provide a GATE score of a relevant specialization.

Language Qualifications
The program language is English. Applicants must demonstrate English written and oral communication skills during the application process. Test scores from the TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English test or similar are not required but are looked upon favorably.

Direct Application

You are welcome to apply at any time directly to the faculty member of your choice by sending an email with your CV and a list of references, provided that you fulfill the eligibility requirements. If the potential advisor is interested in your application, she/he will contact you and arrange for a telephone or web interview. Sometimes, advisors invite you to visit our institutes in Tübingen to get to know you personally.

Your advisor will nominate you for membership in the International PhD Program. You will receive a link to our online registration system so you can complete the program application.

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