IBSA Foundation for scientific research funds every year talented researchers in order to promote and allow them to do great science, with 5 fellowships of € 30,000 in the following research fields:
- dermatology
- endocrinology
- fertility / urology
- pain medicine / rheumatology / orthopaedics
- coronavirus infections: systemic and tissue-specific effects, novel targets for potential therapies (2020 special edition)
Applicants are invited to submit their proposals no later than the 31st December 2020. Candidates should upload the project by applying and provide the following additional documents as separate files:
- Curriculum Vitae
- List of PubMed publications (max.5) of the past five years
- Cover letter of a short self-presentation
Applications and supporting documentation are accepted only via the online application system.
Download the call
Create your account to sign in & submit your project
Applications are evaluated on the following criteria:
- Quality of the project to be developed in the host laboratory (Feasibility – Originality – Scientific value)
- CV of the candidate with particular emphasis on the research experience
- Appropriateness of the host laboratory for the proposed research
The projects of applicants, who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution different from the laboratory of origin receive an additional 10% scoring value by the Scientific Board.
The budget (before taxes and duties) includes funding for salary and mobility costs, and is intended to cover the cost of living for 12 months (salary). The salary rate depends on the country being visited and may be subject to taxation. We cannot advise on respective national tax regulations and we recommend fellowship winners to contact the relevant authorities in the host country.
Projects must start by 2021 and fellowship holders cannot move the beginning of the fellowship to the following year.
Publications related to the research awarded should acknowledge the support of the IBSA Foundation in the acknowledgement section of the manuscript and should read “IBSA Foundation for scientific research”.
Every year winners are required to reply to the general questionnaire mailed by the IBSA Foundation. The reply is mandatory, as well as the prompt notification of any changes of e-mail and phone number details.