Hungarian State Scholarships to conduct study visits in the academic year 2024-2025


Partner countries

Applications may be submitted by citizens of the relations listed in and depending on the specific conditions of the Calls for application: Calls for application

Available scholarship types

  • bachelor or master or doctoral semester/partial studies (3-10 months)
  • full degree bachelor or master or doctoral studies (36/24/36 months respectively)
  • short or long-term study visits (3 days – 6 months)
  • summer courses (2-4 weeks)

National scholarship offices in the foreign partner relations

Should you wish to get more information about scholarships directly from your country/territory, you may contact the local scholarship office which is in general integrated into the national ministry of education or is a separate background organisation of it.

Financial provisions

Accepted applicants are entitled to participate in courses free of charge, as well as to receive a stipend. The stipend may be completed by a supplement, an accommodation contribution, etc. all depending on the type of scholarship.

The stipend is paid either by the receiving institution, by Tempus Public Foundation, or by the sending country, also depending on the type of scholarship.

For details (exact amounts, etc.), please read the Calls for application.

Calls for application

You may read details about the general application conditions, provisions, documents to be submitted, etc. within the Calls for application for the academic year 2024-2025:

For the academic year 2024-2025

Eligible countries and scholarship types

Scholarship Types Duration Eligibility Deadline Call for application in English Call for application in Hungarian Online application system  Online application guide
Semester/partial studies 3-10 months bachelor or master or doctoral 22 February 2024, 11 pm CET Call for application  Pályázati felhívás Application Guide 
Full degree studies 36/24/36 months respectively bachelor or master or doctoral 22 February 2024, 11 pm CET Call for application Pályázati felhívás Application Guide 
Short or long-term study visits 3 days -6 months master or doctoral 22 February 2024, 11 pm CET Call for application Pályázati felhívás Application Guide
Summer course 2-4 weeks bachelor or master or doctoral New call expected by the end of January 2024        


Acceptance letter template

Workplan template

Motivation letter template

Should you need more information, you may contact your bilateral state scholarship officer according to your country of origin.

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