Swansea University Prestigious Scholarships to Students From Around the World, UK

As Swansea University approaches its centennial in 2020,we are proud to continue our commitment to providing prestigious scholarships to students around the world. With a range of international scholarships available, please see the information below for the eligibility criteria.

An international scholarship to Swansea University provides more than a source of funding. You will have access to a number of exclusive fellow events, including specialized senior networking opportunities while celebrating your success.

Could you be one of our future Chevening Fellows?


 Music scholarships



Our Music Entry Scholarships are designed to allow talented musicians to continue to develop their skills and musicality in a supportive environment. These scholarships are open to new undergraduate students who study any subject and are defensible for the duration of the university’s undergraduate degree.

Two types of music scholarships are available:

  • University Instrumental Scholarships
  • Joint choral scholarships,organized in collaboration with St. Mary’s Church

Scholarships have a face value of 1000 euros per year,including:

  • Regular individual lessons of the instrument or voice of the scholar
  • A grant of 300 euros per year, to support the purchase of partitions, examination fees, etc.

To apply and learn more, please visit our Music website pages

 Sports scholarships


The program aims to cover the huge range of talents that young people reveal in individual and team sports. We are looking for students who not only meet the normal academic requirements for admission, but who have also demonstrated exceptional ability in any sporting field that they have made their specialty.

Full details, including the application form, can be found here: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/sport/high-performance-sports-and-scholarships/tass-and-scholarships/

Deadline and

queries The deadline for applications is Friday, February 28, 2020. If you have any further questions about your application, please email the team at sportscholarships@swansea.ac.uk/Alun.Davies@swansea.ac.uk or call 01792 543571.

 International Excellence Awards

Each year, we have a number of international scholarships of excellence available for students who have already demonstrated academic excellence or show the potential to do so during their stay at Swansea University. The medjouel.com scholarships are awarded in the form of tuition discounts.

Name Amount Deadline
International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship Up to 6,000euros (4,000 euros allocated in the first year and 2,000 euros allocated in the second year subject to an average of 65%)) 12:00 GMT 21St August 2020

Please note to be considered for a scholarship, you must already hold an offer to study with Swansea University. Once you are ready to apply, please complete an Excellent Scholarship application form and return to ido@swansea.ac.uk before age 21.St August 12:00 GMT




 Eira Francis Davies Scholarship

The Eira Francis Davies Scholarship is a full tuition scholarship usually awarded to an outstanding student per school year. The student must be a national and resident of an eligible developing country, who is pursuing a postgraduate degree program at Swansea University College of Human and Health Sciences.

Applicants must meet all of the strict eligibility criteria listed as follows…

Candidates must:

  • hold a minimum of 2:1 Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification.
  • have officially accepted an offer of study for an eligible graduate, full-time and postgraduate program at Swansea University’s College of Human and Health Sciences. Eligible programs can be found here.
  • to be a woman.
  • be a new student at Swansea University.
  • in their application, demonstrate a strong academic capacity, financial requirements and the desire to study their chosen course at Swansea University.
  • be a non-EU developing country usually residing in a non-EU developing country, classified by World Bank countries and lending groups as “low income” or “lower middle income”.
  • receive no other financial support from Swansea University (e.g., tuition reduction, scholarships or scholarships).
  • not to be a rising student of The College, Swansea University.



An application form can be downloaded here: Eira Francis Davies Scholarship Application Form

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez envoyer un courriel à EFDscholarship@swansea.ac.uk

 Bourses internationales d’anciens de troisième cycle

Le programme est ouvert à tous les candidats aux anciens de Swansea non membres de l’UE qui demandent une maîtrise ou une recherche dans n’importe quel domaine.

La définition des « anciens » est des candidats qui ont complété avec succès un programme de diplôme « complet » à l’Université de Swansea, par exemple :

  • étudiants titulaires d’un baccalauréat qui postulent à un programme d’enseignement ou de recherche postdoctoral


  • un étudiant à la maîtrise instruite qui postule pour le programme de recherche.

Les candidats suivants ne sont PAS admissibles à une bourse d’études :

  • Échanger des étudiants
  • Étudiants en visite/associés (y compris les étudiants en anglais)
  • Les étudiants du College, de la Swansea University Foundation/Pre-Master’s Programme
  • Étudiants de l’AECG, étudiants de GDL et de PLC
  • Les étudiants se qualifient avec une qualification de « sortie »
  • Les étudiants passant de MPhil au doctorat.


Niveau des frais Montant de la bourse Critères académiques
Tous les frais 5 000 euros par an Première classe
Tous les frais 3 000 euros par an Deuxième classe, Première division
Tous les frais 1 000 euros par an Deuxième classe, deuxième division
Master’s degree taught in research 3,000 euros per year Subject to satisfactory progress

Admissions will notify applicants on their letter of offer if they are eligible for the award.


  1. Former non-EU members will not be eligible.
  2. The non-EU alumni grant is only available to students who have met the minimum academic requirement for a prize (see above for details).
  3. Alumni scholarships are available for full-time and part-time studies. For students studying part-time, the prize will be awarded on a pro-rata basis.
  4. Students must have completed the original degree program to which they were admitted to Swansea University (excluding “withdrawal” qualifications).

Terms and conditions:

  1. Students should normally be funded by the private sector. The alumni scholarship cannot be made in conjunction with a national government scholarship from a student or other sponsor.
  2. The alumni scholarship can only be used to offset tuition fees.
  3. A reduction in tuition fees will be levied on registration for the duration of the program of study, subject to a satisfactory annual increase.
  4. Scholarships are non-transferable.
  5. Swansea University employees will not be eligible.
  6. The Admissions and Recruitment Committee can use any means of assessment it deems most appropriate to determine which candidates deserve to be recommended to the Senate for the award of a scholarship.
  7. Alumni fellows who have accepted an award can be contacted by the University’s Office of Public Relations.
  8. If it is deemed necessary for a scholarship holder to suspend his or her studies, the scholarship will be held on the University’s account and deferred to the year of resumption of studies and the student will have to make his personal contribution on a pro-rata basis.
  9. With the approval of the vice-chancellor or candidate, if a former scholarship holder’s progress is deemed unsatisfactory, the scholarship may be withdrawn. If the student feels that such a withdrawal is unjustified, he or she can appeal in writing, using the University’s formal appeal mechanism.
  10. The Senate reserves the right to make, amend, withdraw, suspend or cancel without notice these and other regulations that may be in effect from time to time and that such decisions will be final.

Students who receive a partial scholarship (up to 50% of full tuition) may be considered for a scholarship.

 Chevening Scholarships

Swansea University is a popular destination for Chevening Scholars and we are proud to support this scholarship program and increase the number of Chevening researchers we welcome to our campuses each year.

Key details

  • The Chevening Scholarships are the UK government’s global scholarship program, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations.
  • The awards are awarded to outstanding researchers with leadership potential.
  • Prices are usually for a one-year master’s degree at universities across the UK.
  • There are more than 50,000 former Chevenings around the world who together form an influential and much-loved global network.
  • For more information, we recommend you refer to the De Chevening website.

How do I apply?

  • Applications for Chevening 2020/21 scholarships are now closed. Nominations for September 2021 will open in August 2020.


 Music scholarships



Our Music Entry Scholarships are designed to allow talented musicians to continue to develop their skills and musicality in a supportive environment. The medjouel.com team informs you that these scholarships are open to new undergraduate students who study any subject and are defensible for the duration of the university’s undergraduate degree.

Two types of music scholarships are available:

  • University Instrumental Scholarships
  • Joint choral scholarships,organized in collaboration with St. Mary’s Church

Scholarships have a face value of 1000 euros per year,including:

  • Regular individual lessons of the instrument or voice of the scholar
  • A grant of 300 euros per year, to support the purchase of partitions, examination fees, etc.

To apply and learn more, please visit our Music website pages.

 Sports scholarships


The program aims to cover the huge range of talents that young people reveal in individual and team sports. We are looking for students who not only meet the normal academic requirements for admission, but who have also demonstrated exceptional ability in any sporting field that they have made their specialty.

Full details, including the application form, can be found here: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/sport/high-performance-sports-and-scholarships/tass-and-scholarships/

Deadline and

queries The deadline for applications is Friday, February 28, 2020. If you have any further questions about your application, please email the team at sportscholarships@swansea.ac.uk/Alun.Davies@swansea.ac.uk or call 01792 543571.

 International Excellence Awards

Each year, we have a number of international scholarships of excellence available for students who have already demonstrated academic excellence or show the potential to do so during their stay at Swansea University. Scholarships are awarded in the form of tuition discounts.

Name Amount Deadline
International Postgraduate Excellence Scholarship Up to 4,000 euros 21St August 2020 12:00 GMT

Please note to be considered for a scholarship, you must already hold an offer to study with Swansea University. Once you are ready to apply, please complete an Excellent Scholarship application form and return to ido@swansea.ac.uk before age 21.St August 12:00 GMT.

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