UdeM exemption scholarships from the University of Montreal for international students. Canada

The University of Montreal has implemented a new tuition fee exemption scholarship program for international students. 

The objective of this new program is to enable the best talents from all countries to join one of the best French-speaking research universities in the world, thus contributing to the updating of our educational mission and to the cultural diversity of our community. , an asset for the University of Montreal.

How to get a scholarship?

All the files of candidates eligible for the UdeM exemption grant will be assessed when applying for admission. You therefore do not have to apply for this exemption grant. 

Admission teams will email you the proposed amount shortly after you have received a conditional or final offer of admission to a study program.


  • Be an international student and have received an offer of admission to a study program offered at UdeM;
  • Hold a valid study permit;
  • Maintain their status as a full-time student without unauthorized interruption throughout their study program;
  • Not benefit from any other form of exemption applicable to tuition fees ;
  • Not be enrolled in a free study program.

Please consult the tabs below for the terms and conditions of the UdeM exemption grant applicable to your situation.

Student (s) 1 st  round admitted (s) from autumn 2020

The amount of the exemption grant varies depending on the excellence of your academic record, as indicated in the table below.

You could receive  an amount ranging from $ 2,000 to $ 11,998 for 30 credits  per academic year.

Step By credit Per term, full-time status (equivalent to 15 credits) Per year (2 terms), full-time status (equivalent to 30 credits)
AT $ 399.93 $ 5,999

$ 11,998

B $ 190.60 $ 2,859 $ 5,718
VS $ 66.67 $ 1,000 $ 2,000

All amounts shown above are in Canadian dollars.

All the files of candidates eligible for the UdeM exemption grant will be assessed when applying for admission. You therefore do not have to apply for this exemption grant.

For more information, please contact  scholarships@sar.umontreal.ca  or consult the  Frequently Asked Questions .

Student (s) from 1 st  admitted cycle (s) in the summer of 2020 and earlier

If you have been admitted (e) a curriculum of 1 st  cycle for the summer term 2020 or previous quarter (winter 2020 autumn 2019, etc.) in one of the following disciplines, you might benefit from a  UdeM exemption grant of up to $ 2,000 for 30 university credits  :

  • pure science
  • mathematics
  • genius
  • computer science
  • administration
  • law
By credit Per term  (equivalent to 15 credits) Per year  (equivalent to 30 credits)
$ 66.67 $ 1,000 $ 2,000
The amounts indicated above are in Canadian dollars.

For more information, please contact  scholarships@sar.umontreal.ca  or consult the  Frequently Asked Questions .

Student (s) 2 e  cycle

To support the success in your graduate studies project as an international student, a  scholarship for partial exemption from additional tuition fees  required of international students is offered to you.

Value of the UdeM exemption grant

By credit Per term, full-time status (Equivalent to 15 credits) Per year (3 terms), full-time status (Equivalent to 45 credits)
$ 209.33 $ 3,140

$ 9,420

The amounts indicated above are in Canadian dollars.

Duration of the exemption

Programs billed to status Number of qualifying quarters *
Master’s with thesis 3 to 4
Master’s degree without thesis 3 to 6
Specialized studies diploma (DES), excluding medical residents 9
Internship in Applied Veterinary Sciences (IPSAV) 3
*  According to the normal length of full-time schooling of the study program.
Credit-billed programs Number of eligibility credits *
Specialized graduate diploma (DESS) 30
Firmware 12 to 18
*  According to the normal structure of the study program.
All international students admitted to a  UdeM 2 nd cycle program are eligible for the UdeM exemption grant. So you don’t have to apply to get it.

For more information, please contact  esp-bourses@esp.umontreal.ca  or consult the  Frequently Asked Questions .

Student (s) 3 e  cycle

To support your research project as an international  student, you are offered a  scholarship for total exemption from additional tuition fees normally required of foreign students.

Value of the UdeM exemption grant 

The value of the scholarship is based on the additional fees determined by the MEES for the year 2019-2020.

This exemption allows you to enjoy the same tuition fees as Quebec students at university in 3 e  cycle. The amount of the exemption is based on the amount of additional fees charged to students from 3 e  cycle, determined by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

By credit Per term, full-time status (Equivalent to 15 credits) Per year (3 terms), full-time status (Equivalent to 45 credits)
$ 449.96 $ 6,749.40

$ 20,248.20

The amounts indicated above are in Canadian dollars.

Duration of the exemption

Programs billed to status Number of qualifying quarters *
Research doctorate 6 to 10
Professional doctorate 6 to 9
*  According to the normal length of full-time schooling of the study program.
Credit-billed programs Number of eligibility credits *
Diploma of Advanced Professional Studies (DEPA) 30
Firmware 12 to 18
*  According to the normal structure of the study program.
All international students admitted to a  UdeM 3 rd cycle program are eligible for the UdeM exemption grant. So you don’t have to apply to get it.

For more information, please contact  esp-bourses@esp.umontreal.ca  or consult the  Frequently Asked Questions .

Frequently Asked Questions About Tuition Fees

Payment terms for the UdeM exemption grant

The amount of the UdeM exemption grant will be:

  • modulated according to the number of credits to which you are registered;
  • applied directly to your tuition fees and deducted from your invoice balance, each quarter, throughout your education in your study program.

Reassessment of your file for the UdeM exemption grant

Certain situations may modify your eligibility for the UdeM exemption grant and lead the University to reassess your file, when your study status or your residency status in Quebec changes, or by the choice of certain courses. .

Extra course

Non-program courses are not taken into account in the calculation of the UdeM exemption grant. However, credits from these courses will be taken into account to maintain your full-time status.

Change of program

In the event of a change of program, your file will be reassessed and the value of the exemption grant will be adjusted accordingly.

Eligibility conditions

If you do not meet the eligibility conditions for the granting of the UdeM exemption grant, the Université de Montréal may stop paying you this grant without notice.

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