Grenoble Quantum Engineering (GreQuE) novel Doctoral Programme will grant 25 PhD projects hosted in Grenoble research institutes in which each student will benefit from a 2 to 6 months placement in a European company. 17 SMEs & large groups in 5 countries have committed to offer such placement to our students in accordance with their PhD project.
2018, September 30, 23:59 (Paris time)
GreQuE Doctoral Programme is expected to:
- Train top level quantum researchers willing to turn quantum technologies in important economic and societal impacts,
- Improve career opportunities at short and long-term scale by immersing the PhD candidates in the engineering culture,
The topics includes experimental and theoretical aspects of
- Nanoelectronics,
- Superconductive Qbits,
- Spintronics,
- Photonics
- Computer science
The salary is 1758 €/month before tax for 3 years.
How to apply
GreQuE Doctoral Programme is funded by the European Community under the Marie Slodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). Applicants must fulfill the MSCA mobility criteria: No nationality conditions, but applicants must not have spent more than one year in France during the last three years.
- You must have found a PhD project that will be supported and supervised by one (or more) researcher(s) based in one of the following laboratories: Institut Néel, INAC, LPMMC, LNCMI, LIG and Institut Fourier
- Download the PhD programme application form
- With the help of your thesis supervisor, you must fill in this application form with all requested details
- You must contact us at in order to inform us of your intention to apply to the PhD programme. We will make sure your application matches the programme requirements.
- Save as PDF each document: Application form / CV / exam results / diplomas….
- Merge all these PDFs into ONE single .PDF file
- Send by email this that final PDF file to before the deadline
- You must request (at least) two recommendation letters based on the template included at the end of the application form (section F). These letters must be sent by your referee himself/herself directly to before the deadline
- Selected students will receive a convocation for the interview and instructions to prepare their travel and stay in Grenoble. All travel/accommodation expenses will be covered by LANEF for 3 days/2 nights. This will provide enough time to each applicant to visit their hosting laboratory and to finalise their oral presentation together with their future thesis supervisor. Non-selected applicants will receive a short feedback report within 2 weeks.
Timing and selection procedure
- 2018, September 30, 23h59 – Paris time : deadline for the submission of applications. After verifying its eligibility, each application is submitted to 2 independent reviewers.
- 2018, October 18: A Steering Committee session is held in order to select the applicants to be invited for an interview in Grenoble, on the basis of the reviewers reports
- 2018, November 23: Interviews are held in Grenoble, in front of the Steering Committee plus some invited specialists.
- Final results will be announced a few days later. Applicants on the short list will have to give an answer within 2 weeks so that applicants on the reserve list can be contacted. Non-selected applicants will receive a report within 2 weeks
The 2018 call of the PhD programmes is enlarged with two other fundings possibility which bear peculiarities. You must take note of them:
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