As part of the project “Complexity in Science, Culture and Society” the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften / Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities of Goethe-University Frankfurt offers fellowships of three to six months in the period from autumn 2018 to the end of 2019, mainly in the field of theory of science/ philosophy of science/ history of science.
The call for applications is open for academics from the postdoctoral phase onwards. Working languages will be German and English.
The project “Complexity in Science, Culture and Society” was established in 2017 and is funded by the Aventis Foundation for three years. The overarching goal of the project is to examine various concepts of complexity and their theoretical foundations from interdisciplinary perspectives in order to identify new models for dealing with complexity and to obtain new insights for academic research. One starting point is the perspective of the philosophy of science, which defines complexity as a characteristic of systems that demonstrate unexpected and unpredictable behaviour because of the way in which their elements interact. The implications of this definition for both scientific and social systems have to be examined and illustrate the necessity of interdisciplinary cooperation.
With the fellowship:
- fellows become members of the interdisciplinary research group on “Complexity in Science, Culture and Society” and participate in the research activities of the group,
- fellows contribute to the aims of the project with their own research project from within their individual discipline,
- fellows are actively involved in the conception of workshops/ conferences within the project, the Forschungskolleg offers special services for the fellows (e.g. library service and administrative support for the organisation of conferences or the invitation of guests etc.),
- a monthly grant of 1.500,- to 2.500,- Euros (depending on the individual employment situation),
- fellows receive an office in the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften and an apartment in the Forschungskolleg’s guesthouse.
Application deadline is May 31th 2018. Please submit your application addressed to both of the project directors, Professor Dr Harald Schwalbe and Professor Dr Dr Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, to the following e-mail-address:
The application should include the following documents:
- A project proposal, which outlines the originality of the individual research project as well as its relevance for the project “Complexity in Science, Culture and Society” (maximum three pages),
- a cover letter addressing the willingness to participate constructively and continuously in the activities of the research group on “Complexity in Science, Culture and Society”, and states the time frame of the possible fellowship
- an academic CV and a publication list highlighting the three most relevant publications.
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