How to Apply
Recruitment for the 2020/21 Fellowship is now open, and will close on 07 June 2019.
Please read the application details carefully. Only full applications will be accepted. Any application missing any part of the requisite information will not be processed.
Applications will not be accepted after the closing date.
IAS Fellowship
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants of any nationality are eligible to apply (though preference will be given to International applicants); in line with Durham University’s equality and diversity policies (, we strongly encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply;
- Applicants from any discipline are eligible to apply;
- Applicants may come from an academic or non-academic background (e.g. public intellectuals, artists, writers, film makers, journalists, policy makers, politicians);
- Applications should be from researchers or non-academics who have a well-established or strongly emerging international reputation, have made major contributions to their field, and can provide evidence of research leadership and/or public impact. They are expected to have played a significant role in shaping their discipline or field through their outputs, achievements and indicators of esteem;
- Applicants must submit a complete application as described in the Application Procedures (incomplete applications will not be accepted or considered);
- Applicants must agree to the conditions of the IAS Fellowships as described in the Further Particulars.
Application Procedures
The following application materials are required by the deadline 07 June 2019:
1. A letter of application;
2. A Curriculum Vitae/Resume;
3. Two references;
4. A Fellowship proposal;
The details within your Fellowship proposal (#4) must also be copied into the Fellowship Research Proposal Proforma at the bottom of this page and submitted for peer review to a Durham academic with whom the proposed research most closely aligns. Applicants must allow sufficient time to make contact with a potential Reviewer to in turn allow them requisite time to complete the review and to return it directly to the IAS by the 07 June deadline. It is also essential that the letter of application (#1) confirms that this proforma has been submitted and to whom. This statement of support from a Durham academic is crucial in terms of ensuring that the fellow’s proposed work is of strategic benefit to Durham University (e.g. in terms of supporting collaboration), and every effort should be made to find an appropriate Durham scholar to act as peer reviewer. If it is not possible to determine an appropriate departmental reviewer, this must be noted in the letter of application. Further details about how to locate an appropriate reviewer are noted below.
Application Materials
Letter of Application
The letter of application must make clear which period applicants would like to spend at Durham (01 October-18 December 2020 OR 04 January-31 March 2021. If either period is suitable, please indicate).
Academics who will not be on research leave/sabbatical leave whilst taking up a Fellowship in Durham are eligible to apply for teaching buy-out costs of up to £8,000 (for the three month period). If such a teaching buy-out or a contribution is required a costing must be included with the application. Note that this cannot be done retrospectively (i.e. once an offer of a Fellowship has been made) so applicants should consult with their home institution prior to applying.
The IAS normally offers teaching buy-out costs at junior replacement level, up to £8,000 (for the full three-month period). In due course, should the IAS offer a Fellowship, a letter from the applicant’s home institution will be required supporting this claim. The buy-out costs of salaried Fellows will be paid directly to their home institutions. Fellows who are self-employed will be reimbursed directly.
Applicants must indicate in the letter of application if they will be accompanied by a spouse or partner and/or if they have a family that will be travelling with them. However, accommodation suitable for families is limited and the IAS cannot guarantee that such family accommodation will be provided. The IAS cannot cover the costs of family travel or family subsistence costs during the fellowship period.
Finally, applicants must indicate in the letter of application how they were made aware of the Fellowship (word of month; via their own institution; website etc.).
Curriculum Vitae/Resume
The Curriculum Vitae/Resume should include evidence of research interests and career to date, international recognition and impact in the field.
References should be emailed by referees directly to the IAS Manager (see below) by the appropriate deadline (07 June 2019). The IAS will not make any request for references, including any not received by the application deadline. The onus for references remains with the applicant. References should include comments about the applicant’s standing in their particular field, the quality of the applicant’s research, the level of recognition that has been received for this research, the quality of the proposed research to be undertaken at Durham, and the degree to which the applicant would contribute to and benefit from being in an interdisciplinary community of Fellows.
Fellowship Proposal
The Fellowship proposal (c.500-1000 words) should describe the activities planned whilst holding an IAS Fellowship, the contacts and contribution envisaged in Durham. Applicants should take into consideration the evaluation criteria when completing the proposal. This must be submitted with the application letter and CV.
The content of the Fellowship proposal must also be uploaded to the Fellowship Research Proposal proforma (see bottom of page) and sent to an appropriate Durham academic at least two weeks before the application deadline. The application deadline is 07 June 2019 and therefore contact with a Durham scholar must be made by 24 May 2019. All applicants must seek the agreement of a Durham academic to review their research proposal. If an applicant proposes to collaborate on one of the four IAS sponsored research projects (see:, then the applicant can ask one of the Principal Investigators to act as reviewer. Do not ask more than one Durham academic to review the research proposal. Durham Peer Reviewers must return the completed pro forma by the application deadline of 07 June 2019. If the Durham academic agrees to act as Reviewer, he/she will complete the relevant section of the pro forma and return it directly to the IAS (not to the applicant). Please note: all applicants are expected to seek an appropriate peer reviewer; the IAS will not do this for them.
The IAS recommends using the Find an expert section of Durham University’s research directory. This has a tool for searching the Research Directory. Here applicants can search for a particular research topic and find associated staff members and publications.
Further sources of information include:
- IAS sponsored 2020/21 Research Projects
- A to Z of Departments
- Contact Lists (by Dept., Inst., College & Research Group)
- Email and Telephone Directory
- Faculties
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Science
Faculty Of Social Sciences And Health - Research Centres
- Research Institutes
- Search Engine
Application Evaluation
All applications will be evaluated by the IAS Fellowship Selection Committee according to the following criteria:
- Criterion 1. International standing and contribution of the candidate to the field, as appropriate to the career stage of the candidate (40%)
- Criterion 2. Quality of the proposed research activities while at the IAS (30%)
- Criterion 3. Contribution to the wider scholarly community at Durham (20%)
- Criterion 4. Collegiality and ability to contribute to the community of IAS Fellows (10%)
The sources of information for assessing applications include the application materials (including references) provided by the applicant, publicly accessible information (including published articles or books, works of art etc.) and advice sought from peer reviewers.
In selecting the final list of successful Fellows, the Selection Committee will also take into account
1. the limit of 10 Fellowships in each of the Oct-Dec and Jan-March periods;
2. the geographical and disciplinary diversity of the Fellows in each period;
3. the balance between established scholars/practitioners and emerging talent.
Decisions for the 2020/21 recruitment phase will be communicated by email only by the end of October 2019.
Closing Date
The closing date for applications to the IAS Fellowship scheme for 2020/21 is 07 June 2019. Applications must be emailed to the IAS Manager, Linda Crowe, no later than this date. Incomplete applications, i.e. those submitted without all of the following: a letter of application, a CV, research proposal, and two letters of recommendation/references will not be considered. In addition, any application received after 07June 2019 deadline will not be considered.
Tel: +44(0)191 3344686
Fax: +44(0)191 3344699
Should applicants wish to discuss informally matters relating to the IAS Fellowships in general they are welcome to contact Linda Crowe or the Executive Director, Professor Veronica Strang. The other Directors Professor Karen Johnson (Engineering), Professor Nicholas Saul (Modern Languages and Cultures) and Professor Rob Barton (Anthropology ) are also available for informal consultation.
Fellowship Research Proposal Proforma
- 202021 IAS Fellowship Research Proposal Proforma (last modified: 29 March 2019)