International Master of Science Scholarships in Rural Development (IMRD)

Each year, a minimum of the 15 best candidates are selected for the Erasmus Mundus scholarships , i.e. 3 European students and 12 non-European students. In addition to these 15, the board of directors may decide to award additional scholarships to candidates from specific regions.

The VLIR-UOS scholarships focus on developing and transition regions, granting scholarships to applicants from eligible countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to attend IMRD taught in English at a Flemish university or college. .

The best IMRD candidates are nominated for additional grants from the University of Ghent.

Host institution (s):

University of Ghent, Belgium
Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia
University of Cordoba, Spain
University of Pisa, Italy
Agrocampus Quest, France
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Fields of study:

International Master of Sciences in Rural Development (IMRD)

Number of grants:

Erasmus Mundus: 15
VLIR-UOS: not specified

Target group:

Erasmus Mundus grants: applicants from program countries and partners
VLIR-UOS grants: applicants from developing and transition regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Grants from the University of Ghent: Applicants from developing countries.

Value / inclusions of scholarships:

•  Erasmus Mundus  : Scholarships include: a contribution to the costs of student participation (including tuition, library and laboratory fees, full insurance coverage and all other compulsory fees related to student participation at the Master); a contribution to the travel and accommodation costs of students; and a monthly living allowance for the duration of the program of study. The benefits of the grants vary between the program and the partner countries.

•  VLIR-UOS  : This is a full scholarship, covering tuition fees, travel expenses and a monthly allowance of 1150 €.

•  Additional grants from the University of Ghent  : this is not a full grant. Tuition fees are partially waived and students receive a monthly allowance of € 654.


•  Erasmus Mundus:  applicants eligible for grants from partner countries are students who are not nationals of an EU country, Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Turkey or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). In addition, they cannot be residents of these countries or have exercised their main activity (education, training or work) for more than 12 months in the past 5 years in any of these countries.

The team informs you that the candidates eligible for scholarships from program countries are all other students who do not meet the criteria for scholarships from partner countries (this includes all nationals of the European Union, Iceland , Norway, Lichtenstein, Turkey and FYROM, as well as people who have spent more than a total of 12 months in the EU in the past 5 years).

•  VLIR-UOS:  eligible candidates are students who are nationals and reside in one of the 31 eligible countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America (see the official site for the list of countries).

•   Additional grants from the  University of Ghent: the  best IMRD candidates who are nationals and residents of countries included in the OESO-DAC list.

Application instructions:

Scholarship applicants must complete the online IMRD application by  February 28, 2020  and submit supporting documentation by  March 1, 2020  . They must indicate that they wish to apply for a scholarship when applying online for the IMRD course.

It is important to visit the official website (link below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official scholarships website:

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