What is an AXA Fellowship?
The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aiming at supporting young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society. Our support should be transformative for the researcher and the advancement of her/his research field.
Academic Institutions located within countries belonging to the AXA Community are invited to apply. The AXA Community is based on AXA’s presence in the institution’s host country and the ability of the AXA entity to support, accompany and work in partnership with our researchers. While we recognize that research is global, it is paramount that AXA be able to support and communicate with the researchers and projects locally as is the case in the listed countries.
Host institutions must be registered in the AXA Research Fund’s database
Institutions can apply only when a projects call is open.
Institutions hosting an AXA Chair cannot request for an extra Post-Doctoral fellowship for a researcher working on the AXA Chairholder’s team.
Candidate should be maximum PhD+ 5 years wiht proven scientific excellence and high potential for innovation, transformation and dissemination.
Research Program
The research program should demonstrate its scientific originality and innovative nature. Projects selected for funding are expected to start the latest one year after the result’s announcement.
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