What is Innovate Green Competition “Achieving the SDGs through Entrepreneurship & Innovation” The Innovate Green Competition (IGC) is a cooperative initiative that aims to stimulate and unleash entrepreneurship and innovation within university students in the Middle East and North Africa. The competition will provide the… Read More

Prix Ingénieuses’19

Pour la neuvième année consécutive, la CDEFI est heureuse d’annoncer le lancement de l’opération de communication Ingénieuses. Ce projet créé en 2011 par la CDEFI, a pour ambition de favoriser l’orientation des jeunes filles vers les formations scientifiques et technologiques et les carrières d’ingénieur-e-s. L’opération… Read More

Blog4Dev Competition: What will it take to enhance the skills needed to prepare Africa’s youth for the digital economy and the future of work?

Technological progress is constantly changing how we work, from automation to artificial intelligence. With these advancements, firms adopt of new ways of production, helping markets to expand, and societies to evolve. While advances in technology can eliminate the need for some jobs, the World Development Report… Read More

IT Challenge ATOS

The Challenge for the 2019 edition: Machine Learning for Sustainability Machine Learning is a field of Artificial Intelligence that uses statistical techniques to give computers the ability to “learn”. It is a game changing technology, already being applied in many areas including Video & Serious… Read More