entro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (CBMA): Announcement for the attribution of two Research Scholarships

A call for tenders is now open for the attribution of two Research Scholarships within the scope of the R&D project ECOBiB – Eco-Innovative Bag in Box Solutions” (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033997) with financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI) and Portugal 2020 Program, under the following conditions:

  1. Scientific Area: Environmental Sciences
  2. Recipients:

– Students with a Master’s degree (preference will be given to candidates with a Master’s degree in Environmental Science, Ecology or related fields)

– Students enrolled in courses that do not confer an academic degree integrated in the educational project of the institution (UMinho), preferably.

  1. Eligibility of applicants: applicants must meet the eligibility conditions established in article 9 of the FCT I.P Research Grant Regulation (2019).
  2. Work plan:

The candidates will carry out R&D activities under the context of the project, aiming at the consolidation of their scientific training.

Particularly the candidates will develop the evaluation of the environmental and sustainability performance of products and processes, performing the following tasks:

  1. Implementation of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology in selected products and processes;
  2. Implementation of methodology to assess the carbon, water and ecological footprint in selected products and processes;
  3. Implementation of environmental certification plans and communication of environmental and sustainability performance of selected products and processes.
  1. Applicable legislation and regulations: Law No. 40/2004, of 18 August (Statute of Scientific Research Fellows); amended by Decree-Law 202/2012 of 27 August, by Law no. 12/2013 of 29 January 2013, by Decree-Law no. 89/2013, of 9 July, and by Decree-Law no.123/2019 of August 28; Regulation of Research Scholarships of the University of Minho and the Foundation for Science and Technology I.P,in force. https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamentos.phtml.pt.
  2. Host institution and scientific supervision: The work will be developed at the Centre for Molecular and Environmental Biology, Campus de Gualtar-Braga, under the scientific guidance of Doctor Cláudia Pascoal
  3. Duration of the Research Scholarship: The research scholarships will last for 4,5 months, starting on October 2021.
  1. Monthly Maintenance Allowance: The monthly maintenance allowance corresponds to the basic value of 1104.64 euros, according to the table of scholarships of FCT, I.P. in the country (Appendix I – Table of monthly maintenance allowances for the FCT I.P. Research Scholarship Regulation): http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores. Other benefits: Reimbursement of the Voluntary Social Insurance, corresponding to the 1st tier of the contribution base (for scholarships of 6 months or more) and Personal Accident Insurance. Payments are made by bank transfer to the account identified by the scholarship holder.
  1. Jury: President: Cláudia Pascoal; Effective members: Fernanda Cássio and Raul Machado, Substitute members: Andreia Gomes and Cândida Lucas

If the President of the Jury is unavailable, he/she shall be replaced by the first effective member. The first substitute member will replace the effective member.

The Jury, including the President, undertake the commitment to respect a set of responsibilities essential to the evaluation process, such as the duties of impartiality, of stating any potential situations of conflict of interest and confidentiality.

  1. Evaluation and Selection Process: The evaluation of the applications will focus on the merit of the applicant (CM), by applying the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5:

A. Candidates Merit (CM)

A.1: Academic path: final classification obtained in the Master’s degree (30%)

A.2: Curriculum vitae, which reflects the personal, scientific and professional path, namely: (70%):

A2.a – Proven experience in experience in life cycle assessment (LCA) (20%);

A2.b – Proven experience in experience in using SimaPro software (10%);

A2.c – Proven experience in carbon, water and ecological footprint assessment (10%)

A2.d – Proven experience in implementing ISO 14000 series standards (10%)

A2.e – Proven experience in experience in implementing environmental labelling (10%)

The candidate’s Merit (CM) classification will be obtained by applying the following formula:

CM=(A1*0,3) + (A2*0,7)

Candidates classified in the first 4 positions, who obtain a minimum classification of 3,8 in the MC, will be admitted to the Interview stage, with the Jury proceeding to evaluate the following sub-criteria:

B. Interview – INT:

B.1: Relevance of candidate’s skills and motivation to carry out the project tasks (40%)

B.2: Demonstrated expertise in the area of evaluation of the environmental and sustainability performance of products and processes (30%)

B.3: Linguistic competences: Spoken and written fluency in Portuguese and English (30%)

INT=(B1*0,4) + (B2*0,3) + (B3*0,3)

The final classification (FC) of the Candidate Merit (CM) and Interview (INT) will be obtained by applying the following formula:

FC = (CM*0,6) + (INT*0,4)

Documents proving the ownership of academic degrees and diplomas, or their respective recognition when foreign higher education institutions have awarded them may be dispensed with at the application stage, being replaced by a declaration of honor by the candidate, with the verification of this condition occurring only in phase of contracting the scholarship. This statement must attest facts that occurred on a date prior to the application. In situations of divergence between the information contained in the declaration and the documentation submitted for the purpose of contracting a grant, only the information contained in the latter will be considered. If it is verified that the documents proving the ownership of the academic degree and diploma, or the respective recognition under the terms of Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16, do not correspond to the classifications awarded in the evaluation of the academic path and may, consequently, changing the candidate’s ranking, the scholarship will not be contracted.

Note: Applicants with degrees obtained abroad must present proof of recognition of qualifications in Portugal and conversion of the final classification obtained in them to the Portuguese classification scale or declaration under the terms indicated in the previous point. Candidates who do not comply with one of these provisions, the jury will assign the minimum grade in the grade of the degree and/or master’s course, according to the defined scale of values. of a higher education institution, in the area or area related to that requested in notice.

  1. Communication of results: The project evaluation results, based on the minutes, will be sent to candidates by email, within 90 working days after the deadline for submission of applications. If the result is unfavourable to the granting of the requested scholarship, the candidates have a period of 10 working days to comment, if desired, in the context of a prior hearing to interested parties, pursuant to articles 121 and 122 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (DL nº 4 /2015 of January 7th).
  1. Complaint and appeal procedures: The final results of the evaluation will be publicized through an ordered list (alphabetically, by final grade obtained), by email to all candidates, attaching, for that purpose, the minutes with the deliberations of the jury. The selected candidate must state in writing their intention to accept the scholarship. In case of non-acceptance, the scholarship will be awarded to the candidate in order of final ranking. A complaint may be filed against the final decision, within 15 working days, addressed to the President of the Jury. Interested parties may also present an optional hierarchical appeal, addressed to the Pro-Rector for Research and Projects, Professor Dr. Filipe Vaz.
  1. Deadline for application and form of submission of applications:

The competition is open from 13/09/2021 a 24/09/2021. Applications must be formalized, obligatorily, through the following documents: i) curriculum vitae; ii) certificate of qualifications or declaration of the candidate; iii) name and contact of two senior researchers available to provide statements about the candidate

Applications must be sent to the e-mail cbma_sec@bio.uminho.pt indicating the reference BI/ECOBIB- CBMA/2021 in the subject.

  1. Conditions for formalizing the contract:

On the contract signing date, the selected candidates must prove enrolment in course that do not confer an academic degree integrated in the educational project of the institution (UMinho).

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