Junior IdEx Chair of Bordeaux’s laboratories

Applications are open to all scientific fields. However, IdEx université de Bordeaux is built on a number of scientific priorities and proposals in these areas or at the interfaces between them will be examined with particular attention. Candidates bringing new skills to develop emerging research areas and researchers with an industrial background are welcome to apply.

Researchers preparing applications for academic tenured positions (assistant professor, professor or researcher positions) in any of the IdEx Bordeaux partnering institution during the 2019 recruitment campaigns are eligible for this funding scheme. Candidates are encouraged as well to apply for other French and international funding schemes that may be cumulated with IdEx Bordeaux funding (ERC, ATIP – Avenir, ANR JCJC, etc…).


The chairs will be funded for a period of up to three years.


The amount of the grant may cover the salary of the chair holder, expenses resulting from setting up a research lab (purchase of small equipment), a technician or a postdoctoral researcher salary and operational costs.

Eligibility criteria

Eligible candidates are researchers meeting the following criteria:

  • Two to ten years of postdoctoral experience (doctorate obtained between January 1 2009 and January 1 2017). This period may be extended to a maximum of twelve years upon duly justified request (maternity/paternity leave, career interruption, etc.) prior to application.
  • Outstanding scientific record (publications, patents, etc.);
  • Applicants must be supported by a local host laboratory;
  • Applicants should not have previously held a research position (including PhD) at the University of Bordeaux or any other IdEx université de Bordeaux partnering institution before applying to this program.


In order to submit your application, please follow these steps:

  1. Identify the proper local scientific environment for your project.
  2. Prepare your application by downloading Documents A, B and C from the website or the online application platform.
  3. Once all the requested documents are completed, go to the online application platform and fill in the application form.
  4. Attach the requested documents in the indicated formats.
  5. Submit the application online.

Evaluation process

Candidates will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Scientific career, achievements and international recognition.
  • Scientific project and its pertinence within the site scientific priorities.
  • Potential for acquiring other funding within 2 years.
  • Perspectives of sustainability of the research subject in the mid- to long-term.

The peer review evaluation process will involve two phases:

  • After the eligibility check, a first evaluation will be conducted by a scientific board based on the excellency of the candidate and of the scientific project. The scientific board will gather the opinions of external experts on the very specific subjects addressed by the proposals.
  • Selected candidates from the first evaluation phase will be invited to come to Bordeaux for interviews conducted by the scientific board.

The grant awarding will be decided by the IdEx université de Bordeaux Management committee.

Provisional calendar*

  • October 19 2018: publication of the call
  • October 30 2018: start of the application process
  • January 21 2019: deadline for applications
  • May 2 2019 (provisional): interview of selected candidates
  • May 2019: communication of results

*any change of the provisional calendar will be announced on this page.

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