The Challenge for the 2019 edition:
Machine Learning for Sustainability
Machine Learning is a field of Artificial Intelligence that uses statistical techniques to give computers the ability to “learn”. It is a game changing technology, already being applied in many areas including Video & Serious Gaming, Medical Diagnosis, Fraud Detection, Driverless Vehicles and Security Surveillance. For all its benefits, some are also saying it could be a huge threat – with calls for regulation to protect humanity against AI running out of control. We believe it is an important area for the Atos IT Challenge to explore.
We are seeking how Machine Learning can be applied to the topic Sustainability, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments and the orientation of technological development are all in harmony.
Your challenge
Devise an innovative use case and build a prototype, leveraging Machine Learning, to address a sustainability topic. Show how this can provide benefit to the world, and how you could further develop your solution and take it to market.
You may wish to use Google’s Machine Learning and Tensor Flow framework, or other Machine Learning services from the likes of Microsoft or Amazon.
We are looking for interesting applications that could have immediate and impactful real world applicability.
The IT Challenge organizing committee will offer to all the members of the winning team and the two finalist teams the possibility of applying for an IT Challenge-fast track internship to work within Atos on subject areas relating to their projects.
The Final Jury selects one winning team and two finalist teams:
The winning team will receive €10,000 to help them bring their app to the market and the two finalists respectively €5,000 and €3,000. This will be an amazing opportunity to kick start your career!
For information on the Atos internship opportunities and how to apply, please contact your local IT Challenge contact person (in the rules section) or visit our career section on
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