PhD Research Fellow In Economics

A 100 % position as a PhD Research Fellow in economics is available at the University of Agder, School of Business and Law. The position is affiliated with the Department of Economics and Finance with a duration of three years, or four years with 25% required duties. The position is presently located at Campus Kristiansand. The starting date is in September 2020.

The UIA School of Business and Law is an AACSB-accredited institution that offers a broad range of business administration study programs at Bachelor, Master and PhD level. It has around 2000 students and 100 employees. It is organised into four departments. The Department of Economics and Finance is located at Campus Kristiansand and currently has 22 permanent employees, 7 PhD- and Post-doctoral Research Fellows, in addition to affiliated professor II positions. The Department is responsible for all teaching in accounting, economics, finance and auditing at The School of Business and Law and has active researchers in all these fields.


The European Commission recently launched its new and comprehensive EU Green Deal. The push for a more circular economy is a major part of the deal, and the commission signals a number of tangible measures that will incentivise European producers to change to more circular business practices. A European shift towards more circularity offers significant opportunities for the Norwegian processing industry. This is especially so in the sphere of batteries. The processing industry is aiming to become part of global battery value chains were reuse and recycling will be central. The expected increase of electro-mobility and transition to renewable energy will also lead to an exponential growth of available batteries. This represents an opportunity for industries since Norway is a first mover within the electric mobility sphere.

The University of Agder (UiA) supports these endeavours through participating in the research project ‘Lithium ion BATteries – Norwegian opportunities within sustainable end-of-life MANagement, reuse and new material streams’ (BATMAN). The overall target of BATMAN is to undertake a comprehensive material flow analysis (MFA) that can enable companies to understand the business opportunities in the emerging lithium ion battery (LIB) value chain. This is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary research project, which involves around 15 researchers (UiA, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Institute of Transport Economics (TØI), Institute for Energy Technology ( IFE) and contributions from major companies such as Elkem, Hydro, Glencore and the industry cluster Eyde. It assesses issues such as technological developments, potential new business models and the wider production and use of batteries and associated materials.

One part of the BATMAN project addresses European policies and regulations related to LIB. The PhD fellow in economics will be tasked with identifying useful macro-economic approaches to the study of circular economy policy proposals and apply these in assessments of potential effects of recently initiated or recently proposed regulations at national or EU level. The PhD project will prioritise regulations that pertain directly or indirectly to the extraction, production, use, reuse and recycling of batteries and battery components, including minerals such as nickel and cobalt.

Required qualifications

  • Ability to apply key theories and concepts within economics to societal, business or political phenomena
  • Master-level education within economics or a related field (300 ECTS including a master thesis)
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English

Candidates who are in the closing stages of their master’s degree this year can also apply.

A prerequisite for employment is that the candidate is to be admitted to UiA’s PhD programme at the School of business and law.

Further, it is required that the candidates attend PhD-programme activities and actively participate in the school’s research environment.

Accepted candidates from outside the European Union are required to secure needed Schengen visa in due time.

Further provisions relating to the positions as PhD Research Fellows can be found in the Regulations Concerning Terms and Conditions of Employment for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Research Assistant and Resident.

Desired qualifications

  • Experience in applying key theories and concepts within economics in new areas or in novel ways
  • Knowledge of the circular economy concept or environmental policy initiatives more broadly
  • Experience with communicating and interacting with scholars from a range of different backgrounds in inter-disciplinary initiatives
  • Ability to collaborate well and contribute to team building in a research setting
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in a Scandinavian language (only exceptionally strong candidates with a proven research track record will be considered if not fluent in a Scandinavian language)

Personal qualities

  • Ability to work independently, including planning and organising work and workload well
  • Ability to deliver high-quality analysis within tight deadlines
  • Good teamwork skills

Personal qualities and suitability for the position will be emphasised.

We offer

  • The opportunity to be part of a large and inter-disciplinary research project, which addresses an issue of crucial importance to Norwegian competitiveness and Norwegian environmental performance
  • Professional development in a large, exciting and socially influential organisation
  • A positive, inclusive and diverse working environment
  • Modern facilities and a comprehensive set of welfare offers
  • Membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund

More about working at UiA.

The position is remunerated according to the State Salary Scale, salary plan 17.515, code 1017 PhD Research Fellow, NOK 479 600 gross salary per year. A compulsory pension contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is deducted from the pay according to current statutory provisions.

General information

UiA is an open and inclusive university. We believe that diversity enriches the workplace and makes us better. We, therefore, encourage qualified candidates to apply for the position independent of gender, age, cultural background, disability or an incomplete CV.

The successful applicant will have rights and obligations in accordance with the current regulations for the position, and organisational changes and changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position must be expected. The appointment is made by the University of Agder’s Appointments Committee for Teaching and Research Positions.

Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview. With the applicant’s permission, UiA will also conduct a reference check before appointment. Read more about the employment process.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act § 25 (2), applicants may request that they are not identified in the open list of applicants. The University, however, reserves the right to publish the names of applicants. Applicants will be advised of the University’s intention to exercise this right.

In case of discrepancies between the Norwegian and the English version of this description, the English version takes precedence.


The application and any necessary information about education and experience (including diplomas and certificates) are to be sent electronically. Use the link “Apply for this job”.

The following documentation must be uploaded electronically:

  • Educational certificates with grades
  • Master’s thesis
  • References
  • Academic work and R&D projects, as well as a list of these, if any
  • A tentative project description of a PhD research project that would apply economic concepts or theories to select facets of the EU Green Deal. This should be a maximum of four pages, including the reference list. The outline should formulate and discuss possible research questions, relevant theoretical perspectives, likely methodological approach, empirical data and a progress plan
  • Any other relevant documentation

The applicant is fully responsible for submitting complete digital documentation before the closing date. All documentation must be available in a Scandinavian language or English.

Application deadline: May 31st, 2020.


For questions about the position:

For questions about the application process:

  • Senior Advisor HR Anna Cecilie Eye Færavaag, tel. 38 14 24 14, mobile 974 29 499, e-mail

Author: jeunes

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