The research group Quantum Photonics (QP) of the Institute for Materials Research (IMO) offers the possibility to conduct advanced research in experimental quantum physics in the field of quantum sensors and quantum metrology. The focus is on nanoscale quantum magnetic resonance (Q-NMR) measurements, performed using state-of-the-art measurement techniques, such as optical or photoelectric detection of magnetic resonance (Science, 2019, Vol. 363, Issue 6428, pp. 728-731). This project is carried out in collaboration with international university groups and hi-tech companies.
- You obtained the degree of doctor of Physics or Engineering with specialization in Quantum Optics or Quantum Solid State Physics (or equivalent).
- You have clearly demonstrable experience with quantum experiments and you can perform and model them independently
- You have worked with solid state or other types of qubits.
- You have an excellent research record in your discipline.
- You are cooperative and can work well in teams.
- You are able to report clearly and regularly and write publications.
- You are fluent in written and oral communication in English.
You will be appointed and paid as post-doctoral researcher.
We offer an appointment for 1 year, renewable after a positive interim evaluation.
Selection procedure
You can only apply online up to and including 15 May 2020.
The selection procedure consists of a preselection based on application file and an interview.
Two recommendations from internationally recognized scientists at professor level in the research field are required.
Further information
Prof. dr. Milos NESLADEK, +32-11-268833,
Prof. dr. Ken HAENEN, +32-11-268875,
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