Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a five year full-time, fixed-term contract as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Marine Economics and Policy, in the Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit (SEMRU) at NUI Galway. This position is jointly funded by NUI Galway and the Marine Institute as part of the Strategic Partnership in Marine Socio-Economics, which is supported under the Marine Research Programme by the Irish Government.
Job Description:
The successful candidate will be employed to undertake research in the area of marine economics and policy. The researcher will join the current SEMRU team at NUI Galway, and in partnership with the Marine Institute, examine a range of issues pertaining to the Irish ocean economy. In particular the collaboration aims to generate research that will feed into a number of marine policy support areas (e.g. integrated marine policy and developing Ireland’s blue economy through macro and micro level research and analysis), and scientific and technical advisory services (e.g. socio-economic analysis and related advice supporting the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework and Marine Spatial Planning Directives).
The position offers an exciting opportunity to work with the partnership in the production of the first set of ocean satellite accounts for Ireland as well as the regular updating of Ireland’s ocean economy reports and the analysis of policy impact scenarios across the innovation system using existing marine economy models. This includes updating existing models with more recent data. Estimating the ecosystems service benefit values from the Irish marine environment for inclusion in marine environmental accounting frameworks and linking in with other Marine Institute/SEMRU research projects currently taking place (such as the Uisce Tourism, MIMTI and Cóir projects) will also be important in the context of the evolving work program.
The post holder will be expected to present their work in oral format, at international project meetings and symposia as well as in related marine stakeholder fora. The researcher will also be expected to assist in writing up project proposals with the aim of generating future research funding. They will also be expected to collaborate on the production of reports and publications in the peer reviewed scientific literature and popular press.
Qualifications, Skills and Experience
Essential Criteria Required:
- Candidates must hold a PhD, or be near to completing a PhD, in a relevant research area (e.g. Environmental/Marine Economics)
- A minimum of 12 months’ relevant research experience.
- Demonstrate the ability to manage a research project including the co-supervision of students
- Familiar with journal article publication process
Desirable Criteria Required:
- Experience with developing and using modelling tools such as input/output analysis, supply and use tables, innovation system analysis and environmental valuation techniques
- Detailed working knowledge of relevant European and Irish marine policy
- Highly effective and articulate communications skills, both verbal and written
Salary: €38,631 – €39,186 per annum pro rata for shorter and/or part-time contracts (public sector pay policy rules pertaining to new entrants will apply).
Start date: Position is available from June 1st, 2021
Continuing Professional Development/Training:
Further information on research and working at NUI Galway is available on Research at NUI Galway Researchers at NUI Galway are encouraged to avail of a range of training and development opportunities designed to support their personal career development plans. NUI Galway provides continuing professional development supports for all researchers seeking to build their own career pathways either within or beyond academia. Researchers are encouraged to engage with our Researcher Development Centre (RDC) upon commencing employment – see for further information.
For information on moving to Ireland please see
Further information about SEMRU is available at and on the Marine Institute at
Informal enquiries about this post may be made to Dr Stephen Hynes at
To Apply:
Applications to include a covering letter, CV, and the contact details of two referees should be sent, via e-mail (as a single document in Word or PDF only) to Dr Stephen Hynes
Please put reference number NUIG RES 079-21 in subject line of e-mail application.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00 pm on Friday 7th May 2021.
Interviews are planned to be held week beginning 24th May 2021
Due to the University closure related to COVID-19, interviews may have to take place virtually and start dates may need to be delayed
NUI Galway reserve the right to readvertise or extend the closing date for this post.
National University of Ireland, Galway is an equal opportunities employer.
All positions are recruited in line with Open, Transparent, Merit (OTM) and Competency based recruitment.