In collaboration with Fondazione Vico Magistretti


NABA launches the competition “Extraordinary Explorations” the best 5 projects will recieve 5 scholarships for the Master in Interior Design in September 2018


The competition revolves around a space an explorer could possibly find themselves in. Envision the explorer in an undisclosed space. It could be virtual or real, natural or artificial, physical or mental, concrete or abstract, pragmatic or symbolic, smooth or rough, finite or infinite… (Maybe a city, a virgin forest, an algorithm, a Picasso painting, an Antarctic glacier, an asteroid, a videogame, animal entrails, a mine, a hospital, anything). You should track down the explorer’s characteristics, features and their exploration field. Design the basic living space where the explorer can live/survive in this unidentified territory.



The competition is open to young designers coming from architecture, interior design, and engineering faculties or professionals willing to explore the boundaries and constraints of the world of interior design, acquiring and widening their knowledge, critical awareness, original thinking.


The five best projects will be awarded a scholarship for partial coverage of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA in Interior Design starting in September 2018.

• 1st prize: nr. 1 scholarship covering 60% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program
• 2nd prize: nr. 1 scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program
• 3rd prize: nr. 1 scholarship covering 40% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program
• 2 special mentions covering 20% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program


• May 11th 2018 – Deadline for submitting applications and projects
• June 5th 2018 – Communication of results to participants
• June 13th 2018 – Deadline for winners to matriculate

Projects in digital format must be uploaded to the following address:
or sent by e-mail to: int.info@naba.it
Paper works must be sent to:
NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
International Admissions Office
Via Darwin, 20
20143 Milan, Italy
When you submit your project, you will receive a confirmation within 48 hours that your submission was received. If you do not receive a confirmation, let us know at: int.info@naba.it

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