HUAWEI Visionary Art Competition

About the competition
We honor fascinating designers and artists from around the world. In four years, tens of thousands of the world’s most talented designers, animators and creators have accepted our challenge.
The theme of the 2020 competition is “Visionary art”. Our goal is to bring together the greatest creative minds in the world to imagine the visual of the mobile phones of tomorrow. Together, we will explore the commercial, aesthetic and cultural value that we can bring to more than 600 million Huawei users in more than 170 countries and regions.


There are four categories to choose from: Themes, Wallpapers, Watch faces and Cities.
Participate in as many categories as you wish, within the limit of one application per person per category.

Watch faces
1 jackpot

20,000 $

10,000 $ in cash + 10,000 $ reward for publication

Winners by categories

1 first prize

16,000 $

6,000 $ in cash + 10,000 $ reward for publication

2 second prizes

8,000 $

3,000 $ in cash + 5,000 $ reward for publication

3 third prizes

5,000 $

2,000 $ in cash + 3,000 $ reward for publication

Special winners

6 “Artists in the Making” awards

1,000 $ in cash

Reward the best entries among students

6 international artists awards

1,000 $ in cash

Reward the best entries outside of China

6 “Best Animators” awards

1,000 $ in cash

Reward the best animated participations

80 “Inspiration” awards

1,000 $ reward for publication

Reward 20 entries in each category

1. Publication awards provide financial support to designers. The winners receive royalties on their creations for an entire year.
2. Entries submitted in the Cities category may be used as official cases for future Huawei phones.

Participate here 

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