International Architecture Competition

“Whatever one man can imagine; other men will be able to achieve it” – Jules Verne
As a visionary you are passionate and daring, fully committed to tackling today’s and tomorrow’s immense environmental and social challenges on the planet. You commit to act providing solutions creating meaningful new living environments and developing innovative biomimetic architectural projects for the sea, the coastlines and for space. You want to drive change towards a resilient, sustainable and human centered future. Call on your imagination and build the worlds of tomorrow in a different way, respecting biodiversity and integrating the new way of living of our societies for the common good of all.
In 2021, the Jacques Rougerie Foundation invites you to imagine daring, visionary projects, addressing the major challenges that humanity is facing. The projects will be based on biomimicry, an endless source of inspiration. Nature has always designed and manufactured the best patterns, the most beautiful shapes, the most elegant curves and produced the best materials. Your work, carried out in a transversal and multidisciplinary reflection, will be even more appreciated. Your bio-inspired project will link together form, usage and environment.
Today, more than ever, we must find new forms of habitat and mobility, new ways of life that have to be inventive and efficient for the 10 billion people who will be living on earth in 2050, 75% of whom will live near coastlines and will be therefore particularly concerned by the challenges of the sea level rise. As for the inhabited exploration of space, its development is inevitable and must be part of an approach that respects the environment and its own humanity.
Architects, designers, engineers, inventors and creators of today, build multidisciplinary teams and together design the lifestyles and habitats of tomorrow putting humans at the heart of your project, enhancing the richness of the sea and space, respecting them! It’s up to you to dare and change our perspective!
The Jacques Rougerie – Institut de France Foundation Awards give architects, designers, engineers and inventors a unique opportunity to propose innovative, daring and disruptive projects. They reward biomimetic, multidisciplinary architectural projects in 3 categories:
Category “Architecture and Innovation for the Sea”
A Grand Prix, free expression (you choose your subject)
A Focus Award among one of the following themes: “The underwater Village ” or “A Sea Centre”
Category “Architecture and Innovation for Space”
A Grand Prix, free expression (you choose your subject)
A Focus Award among one of the following themes: “The Lunar or Martian Village” or “An orbital or on a star space port ” or “A Research Station on the satellite of Jupiter Europe”
Category “Architecture and Innovation related to the Sea level rise”
A Grand Prix, free expression (you choose your subject)
A Focus Prize among one of the following themes: “The African Coastline”, or “Submersions, erosion” or “Living according to the tidal rhythm”
Architectural innovation linked to bio-inspiration and sustainable development are the key words of this call for project. Whatever your subject, you must imperatively place humans and their environment at the heart of your reflection and implement engineering dedicated to the specific environment you have chosen.
Base you project on the specific lifestyles of human beings, exploiting as much as possible the intrinsic characteristics of the environment, possibly extreme one, taking into account the impact of gravity on the architecture, the modifications of the gestures in everyday life, the notion of surface/volume in which your project is located, whether it is:
  • oceanic on the surface or under the sea (marine dynamics, Archimedean thrust, pressure, life in saturation or in atmospheric pressure, etc.)
  • coastline (swells, tides, currents, sea level rise, etc.)
  • in space or on a star (vacuum, radiation, temperatures, reduced or absence of gravity, time and distance scales, micro meteorites, energy requirements, etc.).
Making your project successful will be depend on your ability to:
  • Build multidisciplinary teams (science, arts and technology, etc.)
  • meet experts and specialists to build on transversal skills consistent with your subject, for example engineers, biologists, oceanographers, geographers, planetologists, astrophysicists, ergonomists, psychologists, doctors, artists, etc.
  • seek out, collect and provide the information supporting your description and testifying its innovative and tangible reality, even if this should be effective in a distant future that today’s technologies do not yet enable.
  • take into account the preservation of the environment and to contribute to the integration of the sea and space in the development of our society: innovative materials, techniques and fundamental advances in terms of design and development, economy in terms of energy or natural resources, circular economy, etc.
  • use the constraints of the environment so that they become a creative force, shaping your project as a unique one.
The competition is free of charge and intended for students and professionals worldwide. The prizes are awarded, regardless of age, sex, origin, religion, to teams or to individual candidates. Candidates are invited to build multidisciplinary teams to participate in the competition and encouraged to put value on a collective thinking and cross-curricular skills.
In 2021, the Jacques Rougerie – Institut de France Foundation will reward candidates submitting architectural projects related to the Sea, to the Sea level rise or to Space, with a global amount of prizes of € 30,000. (thirty thousand euros).
Candidates can compete either individually or in multidisciplinary teams with one team leader referred to as “Team Leader”.
The prizes will be awarded to an individual candidate or to the team leader (who will be responsible for sharing the amount of the prize among the members of the team). The amounts break down as follows:
Jacques Rougerie Foundation “Architecture and Innovation for the Sea” Awards
Grand Prix: € 5,000 (five thousand)
Focus Prize: € 5,000 (five thousand)
Jacques Rougerie Foundation “Architecture and Innovation for Space” Awards
Grand Prix: € 5,000 (five thousand)
Focus Prize: € 5,000 (five thousand)
Jacques Rougerie Foundation “Architecture and Innovation related to Sea level Rise” Awards
Grand Prix: € 5,000 (five thousand)
Focus Prize: € 5,000 (five thousand)
In addition to a financial endowment, the Laureates will benefit from the support of the Foundation in order to deepen their project. The winners will be offered to call on the Foundation’s network of experts.
The competition is open to students, professionals, researchers, creators, artists, etc. A candidate can only participate once in the 2021 competition submitting only one project. Multiple applications will result into an automatic disqualification be it individual or collective participation.
People who took part in the organization and running of the competition, the experts, members of the jury and members of their families, employees of the agency Jacques Rougerie Architectes
Associés, members of the Institute and correspondents as well as agents of the Institute cannot directly or not, participate in the competition.
Registration for the competition, whether individual or in a team, is exclusively possible via the dedicated online platform:
On this platform, the candidates will be asked to download the necessary documents for their registration:
– these competition rules including the reminder of the dates corresponding to the competition stages
– the logo of the Jacques Rougerie Foundation
– the templates described in this current competition rules
During the whole-time span of the call for projects, candidates can gradually complete their file online on the platform: administrative registration and uploading of documents presenting their project.
Registering for the competition implies unreserved approval of the terms of the Competition rules.
Any violation of the competition rules could lead the Jacques Rougerie Foundation to disqualify candidates.
The competition unfolds in two phases. If the candidate’s project is selected during phase 1, he will receive a notification by e-mail on September 24, 2021.
Consequently, the candidate will be asked to provide the optional items in phase 1 which have become mandatory in phase 2, before
Wednesday October 7 at 11:59 PM GMT +1 France (End of download)
Administrative documents to be provided:
1. A B&W portrait photography (white background) of every team member named as follows: 21_(PROJECT LEADER’S NAME)_(TEAM PARTNER’S NAME)_( Team partner’s first name)_photo.jpg
2. A resume of every team members (PDF file) named as follows: 21_(PROJECT LEADER’S NAME)_(TEAM PARTNER’S NAME)_( Team partner’s first name)_CV.pdf
3. * A short biography, describing the team members – Max 500 characters in French or English
4. * The nationality of every team member.
* To fill in online on the platform dedicated to the contest
** Optional in phase 1, mandatory in phase 2

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