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Postdoctoral research contract (4 years) on evolutionary ecology

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We try to understand how top-down control from top and intermediate predators affect ecosystem processes behind ecosystem services, such as litter decomposition and biological pest control (BPC). We conduct field and laboratory experiments and link them to computer simulations in a feedback research program. We feed our simulations with real data from the literature, and from our field and laboratory data. In turn, the results of the simulations serve to devise new experiments, allowing us to learn about the role of predators in food webs gradually and accurately. Our approach is both ecological and evolutionary, and in the applied side, we use experimental evolution aiming at improving the strains used in BPC. We have built a Next-Generation Individual-Based Model, Weaver, which allows running food web simulations that include space, abiotic conditions and evolution in multidimensional traits.

We seek for a postdoctoral researcher within the EMERGIA program matching the following profile: an ecologist with a strong background in computer sciences (C, C++ programming), and with interests in the link between Ecology and Evolution, preferably with experience in ecological interactions.

Contact: Jordi Moya (

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