PhD Student in Planning -The University of British Columbia (UBC)

The School of Community and Regional Planning is looking to fund 4-5 PhD students in Planning to start in the Fall 2021. Funding packages start at $18,000 per year.

SCARP’s PhD Program provides students with a collegial and convivial environment in which to pursue interdisciplinary research at the intersections of planning theory and practice. We aim to foster planning scholars and practitioners who can think critically, research inventively, and communicate their ideas effectively.

We have developed a lively PhD culture at SCARP with a monthly forum, lecture series organized by students, and the annual SCARP Student Symposium, organized by students and held every March on a topic of contemporary interest.

The SCARP PhD is a research degree, with a flexible component of course work.  Doctoral students work under the guidance of a Supervisory Committee consisting of at least three faculty members, including the Research Supervisor. Students must satisfactorily complete course work, two comprehensive examinations (theory and substantive), a research prospectus, a two-year residency, and write and defend a PhD thesis.

Research Topics and Areas

  • Planning institutions, urban policy, and development issues in Southeast Asia Agriculture-industry linkages and rural development in the Global South Intersectional feminist, diversity, and equity planning in cities and organizations
  • Transportation, specifically active travel, emissions and air quality
  • Building inclusive economies in a post-covid world; the role of social science research in policy change; searching for academic knowledge that makes a difference; strategic planning and transformative change: creating institutional environments for organisational innovation; University and Community partnerships, developments in theory and practice
  • Disaster risk and resilience, especially in relation to earthquakes and/or coastal hazards
  • Social-ecological conflicts in urban environments; urban greening; urban institutional change
  • Urban analytics, housing, urban China
  • Experiments in planning; Field Experiments
  • Densification, Displacement, Post-disaster rebuilding
  • Indigenous community planning, Indigenous planning, reconciliation, Indigenous research methodologies, climate change and Indigenous knowledge
  • Equity and inclusion in planning practice, Land use and environmental planning, Plan evaluation and implementation, Smart growth, Meta-research
  • Smart cities, data science for urban planning, urban technology and policy for climate mitigation, intelligent transport systems

Complete the pre-application questionnaire by 30 November 2020 ( and the full application by 1 February 2021.  For more details on the admission process, consult our website.

This posting is for the UBC Vancouver campus in British Columbia, Canada.

Please refer to reference number NC-54527 during correspondence about this position.

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