PhD position in evolutionary ecology of insect immune priming

Trans-generational immune priming (TGIP) refers to the transfer of the parental immunological experience to its progeny, which may result in an enhanced protection of the latter from repeated encounters with pathogens that may persist across generations. An important issue in the study of the ecology and the evolution of TGIP is to know whether it is adaptive. If adaptive, TGIP is expected to evolve from selective pressures imposed by pathogens that could repeatedly infect the host across generations. Among the proposed selective forces favoring its evolution is the likelihood for some pathogens to persist into the offspring generation. Furthermore, while TGIP may improve the offspring fitness, it also bears costs. A reduction of these costs is expected to evolve in parallel to the evolution of TGIP, especially in response to pathogens exposing the host to frequent repeated infections. However, these have not been formally tested. This project proposes to test the adaptive significance of TGIP in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, for which this phenomenon has been probably best described. The outcome of such a study will provide unprecedented advances on the ecology and evolution of TGIP in invertebrate system in an ecologically relevant context.

Keywords: Evolutionary biology, microbes-insects interactions, immune priming

Host Laboratory:

Biogéosciences UMR CNRS/uB/EPHE 6282, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon

Adress Host Laboratory:

Biogéosciences UMR CNRS/uB/EPHE 6282,

Université de Bourgogne

6 boulevard Gabriel

21000 Dijon


‍Moret, Yannick (

Contract duration: 36 months

Jobs Hours: Full time

Deadline application: June 15th, 2021

Starting job: October 1st 2021

Candidate profile:

Qualification: Master degree

The applicant should have a solid background in evolutionary ecology, population biology and biostatistics. Knowledge of microbiology and insect immunity will be appreciated, but it is not compulsory.


Please send the following documents (all in one PDF file) by e-mail to  :

1) For EU candidates: Copy of your national ID card or of your passport page where your photo is printed.

For non-EU candidates: Copy of your passport page where your photo is printed.

2) Curriculum Vitae (1 page).

3) Letter of motivation relatively to the position (1 page).

4) Copy of your Master degree and/or Engineer degree if already available.

5) Copy of your final marks and ranks.

6) Coordinates of reference persons (maximum 3, at least your master thesis supervisor): Title, Name, organization, e-mail.

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact the supervisors.

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