In 2014 the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) initiated the programme “Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience” (PRIME) to support the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers by temporary positions at German universities in place of conventional scholarships. The programme has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union (EU/FP7/Marie Curie Actions/COFUND). Funding is provided for 18 months, in which 12 months have to be spent abroad and 6 months (re-integration phase) at a German university. The re-integration phase is mandatory. The German university administrates the salary during the whole funding period.
This is the schedule for the current application/selection cycle:
Announcement of the call: 1 May 2021
Application deadline: 31 August 2021
Selection: March 2022
Earliest starting date: 1 June 2022
Call for applications 2021/22 (German) [pdf-file]
Call for applications 2021/22 (English) [pdf-file]
The application form is available in the application portal. To get to the portal please click on Stipendiendatenbank für Deutsche, fill in “Fachrichtung” (subject of your research), “Zielland” (country of the period abroad) and “Programme für: Promovierte”, and select the programme.
Please mind the instructions on registering on the portal, choose English as portal language, activate, if necessary, the compatibility view of your browser and choose English as browser language. After registration in the portal, please click on the tab “personal funding“.
Please note that the selection committee will only consider applications that are complete and submitted prior to the given deadline.
Information for applicants/FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Selection criteria/Reviewers’ comments
Declaration German host university
(form 1, word [docx-file]/pdf [pdf-file])
Invitation German host
(form 2, word [docx-file]/pdf [pdf-file])
Ethics Issues Checklist
(form 3, word [docx-file]/pdf [pdf-file])
Checklist Application Documents
(form 4, word [docx-file]/pdf [pdf-file])
Choosing the host institutions
The contact to the envisaged foreign host and to the German university must be established by the applicant. To get an overview of recent research topics and international cooperations of German Universities, we recommend GERiT – German Research Institutions, a service provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and DAAD.
Hereafter please find a list of German universities, listed in alphabetical order, which have already nominated a contact person for the P.R.I.M.E. programme:
PRIME contact persons at German universities
Please be aware that other German universities that did not specifically nominate a contact person are equally eligible as host institution for a PRIME fellowship.
Information for the German host university
Information on project funding [pdf-file]
PRIME report form 2021 [docx-file](Sachbericht)
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Referat ST43
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
Please pay attention to the FAQ section on this website.
We will gladly answer further questions and kindly ask you to use the following email-address.
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